Community of Madrid Recognized for Child Support Dog Program in Courts

Community of Madrid Recognized for Child Support Dog Program in Courts

04/22/2024.- The Community of Madrid has been awarded for its child support dog program in the region’s courts. The general director of Human Resources and Relations with the Administration of Justice, Alejandra Alonso, collected the award this week, awarded by the K9 Intervention, Rescue, Aid and Rescue Group (GIRAS).

This free public resource offered by the regional government, in collaboration with the Dogtor Animal association, has already accompanied 645 young people between 1 and 17 years old since its premiere in 2014. In 2023 alone there were 118, a sign of its acceptance among judges and prosecutors who request this service. The dogs are present when statements are taken from especially vulnerable children, which contributes to making them feel much calmer and in a friendly environment. In addition, the regional government is working on a project to expand this service for women victims of violence.

This initiative is part of the Strategy for the humanization of Justice in the Community of Madrid, with the aim of putting people at the center of decision-making related to infrastructure and judicial procedures. This work has made it possible for the Community It already has 16 Gesell cameras and that the new courts have differentiated corridors where victim and accused do not cross paths at any time, among other measures.

2024-04-22 07:44:53
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