Clermont-PSG: Bradley Barcola, the story of a good choice

Clermont-PSG: Bradley Barcola, the story of a good choice

Football sometimes comes down to a helping hand from destiny, to an opportunity that must be seized, to this domino that falls, leading to a second then another, yet another and so on. Bradley Barcola’s last six months fit into this box. Last January, while he was far from being an indisputable starter in Lyon, he was very close to being loaned to Saint-Gall, in Switzerland, where the German Pieter Zeidler, a lover of France, works. its language, its football and its young talents.

“OL, via Bruno Cheyrou, had authorized us to discuss with him. Between us, the flow very quickly passed and he was ready to come, found our project attractive, remembers the ex-coach of Sochaux and Tours. He is very talented and fast but it was his attitude that struck us. He showed a lot of humility, motivation and, on the pitch, he has positive body language, tries things, continues without getting upset. »


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