Celebrating 20 Years of Success: Souston Sports Association Thrives with Volunteer Support

Celebrating 20 Years of Success: Souston Sports Association Thrives with Volunteer Support

The numerous preparations require the goodwill of volunteers, without forgetting the partners, who helped to meet an increasingly heavy budget. They will be invited to test the quality of the service, cuisine included. To date, the Souston sports association has a membership of 106 members, including around forty from the younger generation “very diligent in the Wednesday and Friday classes, taught by their educator Marie-Hélène, who will put away her racket at the end of the season after five years at the head of the school.

“A good dynamic was established on Wednesday and Friday evenings when many adults in their fifties came to discover this very physically demanding sport,” notes President Christian Barsacq. Their loyalty attests that the practice is possible at any age, for leisure or even in competition, where veteran tournaments are legion. The club celebrated its 20th anniversary in October, an opportunity to thank the volunteers for their unfailing investment, and to reunite with former “young people”, now in their thirties, who have not given up the racket.

The two teams involved in the departmental interclubs maintained their respective levels, thanks to the tough training of coach Stéphanie, whose high-level experience was beneficial. The tournament is open to those who want to see badistas evolve in this fast and dizzying game, intended to tame this mischievous little feather shuttlecock.

2024-04-11 13:45:29
#Ecobad #doubles #tournament #open #public


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