Building a Baseball Town: The Vision of Shigeyuki Tagami and the Legacy of Anan Hikari

Focus a la carte, Focus Tokushima’s announcer will change daily to tell you about the topics in the prefecture according to the theme.

Every Thursday is “Ikitsuke”, which is hosted by Shinji Morimoto.

We will be listening to candid stories from current and popular people in various industries at our guest restaurants.

At the first memorable event, the Senbatsu High School baseball team Anan Hikari advanced to the top eight, and we spoke to Shigeyuki Tagami, the man who created the baseball town of Anan.

I could hear the voices of joy.

Shinji Morimoto
“Personally, I’m still immersed in the afterglow of Hikaru Anan’s Senbatsu Top 8.
Our first guest is Shigeyuki Tagami. You did a great job.”

Mr. Shigeyuki Tagami, 71, proposed the revitalization of the town through baseball, and in 2010 established the “Baseball Town Promotion Division” at Anan City Hall, the first in the country.

Since then, we have successfully launched a variety of projects that use baseball as a tourism resource.

“Anan Hikari High School is closer than first base.
My usual store is about the distance from home base.”

A short walk from the office is Shima Jiro, Tagami’s old shop.

“Shimajiro is here” “It’s close, isn’t it?”

“Congratulations on your toast.”
“It’s a nice shop.”
“It’s close to my house, the master is a nice guy, and the food is delicious.”
“Is Mr. Shimada from here?”
“I’m from Anan and I’ll always be in Anan.”
“Are you happy about the attack on Anan Kokai?”
“Because it’s my alma mater.”

“Always order the boiled tofu”
“Boiled tofu and sashimi”

First, serve it hot.

“Tofu and Awaodori”

And, Shimajiro’s specialty is the yellowtail trevally that was swimming until morning that day.

“Wow. Beautiful.”
“I can tell it’s lively. It’s got just the right amount of fat.”

“After Anan Hikaru’s rapid advance? Did it take a long time? Did you come this far or are you still on the way?”

“This time, Anan’s high school baseball is really getting stronger. I feel like, ‘This time, it’s time.'”
“That’s because Anan has always been big on baseball. Elementary school youth baseball is strong. Junior high school baseball is also strong.
There are many teams in general softball baseball, but in high school baseball, Hikaru Anan, Niino, and Nishi Tomioka are active.
It’s still recent. I felt lonely in my hometown because so many good players were leaving.”

“This time, Anami Hikaru will be able to form a system and form a team that can stably participate in Koshien.
I have a feeling that it will happen.”

Thanks to Mr. Tagami’s innovative ideas and the network he has cultivated over the years, the baseball town’s business has grown.

Inviting training camps for schools participating in Koshien has led to the improvement of the level of local schools.

(News footage from March 2016)
“Tsuruga Kehi High School in Fukui Prefecture won the Senbatsu High School Baseball Championship for the first time last year.
We are holding a training camp in Anan City with the aim of winning consecutive championships this year.”

“Tsuruga Kehi came to the training camp and won the championship.The schools that come to the training camp have snow in their hometown, so
He will be happy to be able to practice.
For the high schools in Tokushima Prefecture, Tsuruga Kehi will put up a serious competition right before the tournament.”
“What left an impression on me was Tomio Nishi’s pitching when he participated in the Senbatsu.
Ukihashi, the No. 3 batter, said, “He showed me a national-class pitch.”
I was only a first year student at that time.”

“Another thing that is currently attracting national attention is ABO60.
There is no other baseball town in the country, and there are no old women in the country.
People from all over the world ask me to come. A baseball official from outside the prefecture asked me what that was!
“I’m asked.”

“I’ve been working with you for 30 years since I joined the company, but when I said I was going to build a baseball town,
Some people asked me what I was talking about.”
“I’ve been seriously scolded many times in front of my eyes. I’ve also been scolded over the phone.
No matter how much you love baseball, you can’t do it at City Hall.
I got really angry. But I said, “Well, please keep an eye on me.”

What is the future vision of a “baseball town” that its creator, Mr. Tagami, envisions?

“I wish I could do what only I can and do something for everyone and for Anan.”
So, I would like to consider a baseball town experience tour.
There is tourism where you go to tourist spots and see beautiful scenery, but people who really like baseball
I want to experience the atmosphere of a town that is said to be a baseball town.
I become someone who can talk to such people. That’s also tourism.
If we can create a new road like that
(People who have visited Tokushima in this way) will come back (to Tokushima) as many times as they like.”

2024-04-05 06:28:42
#man #created #Baseball #Town #Anan #talks #towns #future #vision #favorite #storeTokushima #JRT #NEWS #NNN


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