Bram van Polen Announces Retirement: Wife Looks Forward to Normal Life

Bram van Polen announced this week that he would end his career after seventeen years at PEC Zwolle. After years of football, wife Lotte is looking forward to ‘normal life’ with her husband.

Although Lotte van Polen thinks it is a shame that the club icon of PEC Zwolle is quitting football, she is also looking forward to the new future. “Just take our weekends, they are completely dedicated to football,” she says on the website Algemeen Dagblad. “The day before the competition, Bram has to rest, on the competition day itself he is away and then he has to recover for two or three days,” says Lotte van Polen.

The 38-year-old defender is looking into his future. Becoming general manager seems like something to him, although his wife is less enthusiastic. “Then you also find yourself in difficult situations. We have already had some damage to the windows here before the IJsselderby,” she reflects. “I really didn’t feel good about that. I wanted to leave my own house as quickly as possible. As a general manager you also have a lot of those kinds of things on your plate and your family is still affected by it, that doesn’t have to be the case. not from me,” explains Lotte van Polen.

On Sunday, May 19, Bram van Polen may play his last match in the Eredivisie. Then FC Twente will visit Zwolle. “I’m already dreading that,” Lotte says. “It is so final, the end of the chapter that has brought us a lot. We often think about the beautiful moments, such as the promotions and the cup win.”


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