Bonaccini’s Surprise Move: What’s Next for Emilia-Romagna?

Until a few weeks ago, anyone who bet on Bonaccini in Europe was considered an underdog. But it is well known that the president is a man capable of surprising and so here we are with Bonaccini leading the list for the North East for the Democratic Party. Despite this it means ending the second mandate at the head of Emilia-Romagna early.

From the statements it seems clear that, if he had been able, he would have remained in Bologna for a third term but as is known, the Northern League amendment that would have allowed this was rejected in the Constitutional Affairs commission in February this year. And since the third term cannot be held, he will go to Brussels. A bit of a declination of the famous saying “better a chicken today than an egg tomorrow”, perhaps.

But on the other hand, that of the European parliamentarian, compared to the president of a region, is also a position from which it could be easier to take broad political positions, freeing oneself from the role of everyone’s administrator. In short, now Bonaccini will also be freer to criticize secretary Schlein, who, it should be remembered, surprisingly beat him in the last PD primaries where he was considered the favourite. Because no one really imagines him, Bonaccini, being “only” a European parliamentarian after having been president of a Region like ours, president of the Conference of Regions from 2015 to 2021, as well as commissioner for the post-earthquake reconstruction of Emilia since 2012 to 2023.

Bonaccini and De Pascale during a recent visit to Godo Baseball

The big dilemma now is who will take his place and among all the names that of the mayor Michele de Pascale, who is in turn in his second term and cannot be re-elected (furthermore he, unlike Bonaccini, has declared that he still considers 10 years a reasonable time to hold the office and is therefore not interested in any future changes to the law that could grant three of a kind). And so, in a chain reaction, what could happen is that we first go to early elections for the Region and then, moving down, to the municipal elections in Ravenna.

A hypothesis which in itself, however one wishes to explain it to voters, does not offer a particularly edifying image. Changing jobs, resigning to accept positions of greater responsibility to advance your career is obviously legal and permitted for any worker. Except that being the first citizens of important institutions such as the Region and the Municipality, two directly elected positions, is not exactly a job like any other. You don’t have to answer to an employer or at most to colleagues, you answer to people who have trusted you to govern them and to whom you seem to say, “thank you, it was nice, but it ends here, I have better things to do. I leave you in the hands of my deputy and go elsewhere.”

Because no matter how much we esteem our administrators, it is difficult to think that they are the only ones capable of covering those roles in a region of a few million inhabitants with a very long political and administrative tradition that the Democratic Party can draw on. Or are they the supermen of the Democratic Party? Furthermore, is it possible that a Wonder Woman never appears in the totonomi, that maybe she doesn’t have to leave a position three years before the deadline?

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2024-04-28 23:49:50
#supermen #Democratic #Party #Waiting #Woman..


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