Adapted Sports Archers Shine at French Championships and Future Competitions Ahead

Adapted Sports Archers Shine at French Championships and Future Competitions Ahead

After a long journey, five archers licensed in adapted sports (FFSA) from the local arch company and two guides arrived last weekend in Mulhouse to compete in the French championships.

Christelle and Gérard Gardel, Rémi Longet, Arnaud-Camille Seingrist and Benoît Joulia were ready to deliver great performances. “Our archers had a great first day. After a morning with the qualifying shots, Christelle obtained a nice silver medal. Gérard qualified for the round of 16 and achieved the feat of winning two other matches to reach the semi-finals. -finals. Benoît makes the cut but unfortunately is stopped in the quarter-final. Arnaud-Camille and Remi fail to make the cut”, indicates Eddy Gobbato, coach and president of the club. He continues: “despite a one-point defeat in the semi-final, Gérard won his small final and returned from Mulhouse with a beautiful bronze medal. Congratulations to our two medalists but also to the others who did not deserve it and who will benefit a saving rest before a new competition in Nogaro.”

Regarding the next events at the club, first stage of the season at the high level for the women who play in national 2 and who go to Auros this weekend. The boys attack the regional excellence division championship the following weekend. To conclude, the season is in full swing at the Compagnie d’Arc and the best hopes will attack the national youth trophy in Sarcelles in the Paris suburbs.

Other archers go to Tournefeuille the last weekend in April. Finally, good news for the future of the Appamean arc company, the first sod for the work on the covered shooting range was given last Friday. The installation should be delivered at the end of May.

2024-04-09 08:31:00
#Appamean #archers #won #silver #bronze #medals #Mulhouse


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