“A shock that reminded me of Schumacher”: Lacazette, knocked out by the Brest goalkeeper, was taken out on a stretcher

“A shock that reminded me of Schumacher”: Lacazette, knocked out by the Brest goalkeeper, was taken out on a stretcher

Alexandre Lacazette is a man of sacrifices. Valorous against Brest, author in particular of the goal of hope in the 70th minute, which launched the Lyonnais towards victory in this completely crazy match, the French striker is the basis of the winning goal. Launched in depth by a subtle ladle, the Lyonnais is beaten by Brendan Chardonnet, who clears the ball. But Marco Bizot, who came out of his goal to punch the ball, finished his race in the face of the OL captain, who collapsed.

The former international remained completely knocked out. Lying on the pitch, he had to be taken care of by the Gones doctors, while tempers flared around the referee. Called by the video assistance, Mathieu Vernice finally awarded a penalty to the Lyonnais. Several minutes later, Alexandre Lacazette was still groggy. He was eventually evacuated on a stretcher, transported by a small golf cart, back to the locker room and, presumably, the hospital.

Alexandre Lacazette did not get up after his shock. (Photo OLIVIER CHASSIGNOLE / AFP) AFP or licensors

Maitland-Niles converted the penalty

At the end of the meeting, Jean-Michel Aulas, the former president of OL, was worried. “I hope Alexandre is well because he took a terrible shock which reminded me of Schumacher,” he stressed, referring to the terrible duel between Harald Schumacher and Patrick Battiston during the semi-final of the 1982 World Cup. The Frenchman, victim of a major concussion, was also evacuated on a stretcher. However, the match referee did not signal a foul.

This Sunday evening, Mathieu Vernice showed the penalty point well. Ainsley Maitland-Niles was responsible for converting it, full of composure, to give victory to Pierre Sage’s Olympique Lyonnais.


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