16th Edition of the Océane Badminton Tournament Delights Participants – “Nothing Bad!” Tournament Announced for May

The Océane room closed its doors on the evening of Monday, April 1, for the sixteenth edition of the eponymous Plerin Badminton tournament. The 20 to 30 volunteers mobilized for the Easter sporting event once again made it possible to delight the 250 participants, including national level players on each table. “We even received a visit from Faustine Noël, 2020 Olympic vice-champion in Parabad,” rejoices Laurent Malghem.

“Nothing wrong!” » May 5

This Océane 16 tournament, whose entries were sold out in 48 hours, did not fail in its reputation for a good atmosphere. Particularly around Bad Kafé and its catering service, which produced “more than 1,000 pancakes and pancakes in three days, while serving sausages and fries, wraps and others! “.

“Given this great success, we decided to launch a brand new tournament and our brains are boiling to make it an event that is both festive and serious. We have already found its name: “Nothing bad!” » and it will take place on May 5,” announces the tournament manager.

2024-04-03 13:40:08
#Plérin #tough #badminton #field #Océane


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