When do we see the first results in bodybuilding?

We might as well say it right away, it is very complicated to estimate At what moment the first results of bodybuilding will bear fruit.

It depends on several parameterssuch as the starting weight, the number of hours spent in the gym each week, physical efforts, deviations from the diet, etc.

Here are some details to better understand the evolution of muscle mass and you will see that the mind plays an important role in your transformation.

At the beginning

If you have decided to build muscle pour lose fatyou have undoubtedly taken a look at various videos on the Internet and found some sound advice.

After changing your eating habitsscrupulously followed your caloriesset out to do more not during the day et go to the room regularly, your body has inevitably started to lose fat.

However, for many people, gaining muscle is slow and the lack of visible results turns out to be very discouraging.

Worse still, the fat remains stubborn and flabby, especially at the famous “ love handles ».

In the end, despite your efforts et privationsyou are not (or little) satisfied with the appearance of your body which remains far from what you had in mind.

For many, this observation demotivated enormously and calls into question the benefit of this new routine, especially when we notice little change, even after several months…

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Results far from expectations, but a real evolution

With your good habits, let’s admit that you have lost a fifteen kilos in 6 months.

When the time comes to take stock, you notice that your arms are less massive, your pectorals are rather “flat”, your abs are still missing and your stomach still has a bulge.

At this fateful moment, we generally feel a demotivation deep.

Why so much effort and so little results? What am I doing wrong? How can I better draw my muscles? Should I go on a stricter diet?

All these questions are legitimate in this phase of uncertainty and changebut they can lead to restoration cause of your new way of life if you’re not careful.

Indeed, a large proportion of people tend to be disappointed by the lack of obvious resultsAbove all after several months.

These people wonder how much longer it will take to have the physique they dream of.

However, most of the time, they do not realize that 15 kilos less already represents an incredible progress! We must not leave room for doubt and question the entire process started.

A drop in motivation with negative consequences

Don’t doubt… This seems easier said than done.

Especially since sometimes we let ourselves go one day and see the next day on the scale that we have gained 2 kg…

From there, we usually become more negligent . We no longer track our calories as vigilantly and we no longer go to the gym as diligently.

At the same time, we pay less attention to what we eat, the small deviations become more regular and little by little, we begin to drink or snack more oftenthan before.

You guessed it, all these upheavals in the routine have consequences disastrous on the objectives .

Instead of doubling your efforts and focusing on gaining muscle, we do the opposite to finally slowly return to the bad habits we had before we started.

That stop right away progression et ruinall the efforts made.

If we don’t change course immediately, it’s a safe bet that we’ll return to the starting weight.

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Boost your state of mind

The main problem is that we usually focus much more on the road ahead and the end goals, rather than on what has already been accomplished .

In fact, we must learn to love this new rhythm of life and this routine to gain muscle.

This way, you will avoid constantly questioning yourself and limit drops in morale.

Above all, we must not forget that a lot of time is necessary to have a trim body and visible muscles.

It doesn’t take just a few months of effort and gym to get the physique of that influencer you admire so much.

In the world of fitness and bodybuilding, we consider fat loss as’one of the fastest processes and not necessarily the most difficult.

Unfortunately, this is not easy for everyone, because a large proportion of people want almost immediate results.

In reality, there is no miracle solution to having an ideal physique.

When you see an athlete or a person with a perfectly shaped body, keep in mind that ces musclesare the fruit of several years of work .

Don’t listen to those who advise taking “super products” to gain muscle, that amounts to sacrificing your health for a few extra centimeters of biceps.

Our advice

The best remains to learn to appreciate this new way of lifeand weight training sessions. Focus on what you have accomplished and learn from it. satisfaction .

As they often say, the journey is more important than the destination!

It seems normal to be happy with the end result, but when you start to love the way to get there, you will see that everything becomes simplerand much less restrictive.

In the best case scenario, the question of the first visible results will not even arise.

You will be happy with your choices your routine and over time you will see that it pays off.

The most important thing is to be listening to your body and have fun.

Remember that in fitnessthe most delicateis of build muscle. On the other hand, maintaining them is much easier.

Don’t settle no time target . After a few years with a good routine, your “future self” will realize your progress and will be impressedresults.

Updated by Quentin on: 03/24/2024

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