VCM with over 40,000 registrations for the first time since 2019

On April 20th and 21st, Vienna will once again be dominated by the Vienna City Marathon (VCM). For the first time since 2019, more than 40,000 registrations have been registered for the various competitions, as the organizers Kathrin Vidu and Dominik Konrad reported on Tuesday.

If you haven’t yet decided to take part, you can still choose from the runs on Saturday – for example, complete the first “Vienna 5K” circuit. The marathon and half marathon on Sunday, however, are already fully booked.

Not all details about the starting field have been revealed yet, but there was at least an outlook on the local elite. Austria’s marathon record holder Julia Mayer will be there like last year. In the men’s race, Austria’s fastest marathon runner in 2023, Mario Bauernfeind, will meet record holder Peter Herzog, who is fit again after a long injury break.

Internationally, there will be a lot of interest, as many would be tackling the Olympic limit for Paris, it was said. The women’s race will also include two runners who were already faster than the VCM course record (2:20:59). Details about the international field will be available at a later date.


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