Transformation of a Library into a Solidarity Dojo: A Community Project in Authon-du-Perche

Par Mathis Launay
Published on 23 Mar 24 at 3:40 p.m. See my news Follow L’Action Républicaine

The energy renovation of the Authon-du-Perche school (Eure-et-Loir), avenue Saint-Exupéry, was completed more than a year ago. A program in which the library adjoining the establishment was not included, and which was closed.

But following the passage of Maëlle Di Cintio (four times French judo champion in the -63 kg category, Editor’s note), in charge of the national program “1,000 dojos”, which aims to create solidarity dojos in vacant premises in order to develop the practice of judo, the municipality has initiated the transformation of the library into a solidarity dojo, which should be inaugurated in the fall of 2024.

A program financed 80% by the National Sports Agency and the French Judo Federation for the interior fittings.

For the structural renovation work, funding from the State and the Region was obtained, and the project was integrated into the Department’s “Bourg center” operation, thanks to which the municipality is currently carrying out street works. Low.

In Authon-du-Perche, a solidarity dojo linked to the Nogent-le-Rotrou club

For sports practice, the municipality has signed an agreement with the judo club of Nogent-le-Rotrou, which will allow licensees to practice judo and associated sports disciplines (taïso, ju-jitsu, kendo, etc.) without performing too many kilometers.

In addition to sports practice, the dojo aims to be “solidarity” and therefore aims to transmit civic values, promote healthy sports (gym, yoga, dance, etc.), promote social bonds and diversity.

It also aims to energize the local social fabric through sporting events and events.

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A dojo as a local educational project

Authon-du-Perche also wishes to use this equipment as “support” for a local educational project, for a more innovative school in order to complement traditional teaching with “workshop activities”.

On the cultural side, the solidarity dojo could be used for theater workshops, for all levels of the school, and for the college choir.

Kindergarten students will be able to join the dojo every morning, “for an introduction to judo in order to channel the children and transmit sporting values ​​to them”, adds Eric Girondeau, mayor of Authon-du-Perche.

This new equipment also makes it possible to develop a concrete link between the school and the college, since it is intended to support numerous joint activities.

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2024-03-23 15:07:48
#dojos #program #AuthonduPerche #solidarity #dojo #planned #fall


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