The RFEF ensures that it “complies with all legal requirements” regarding equality and against sexual harassment


The Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) assured that it has an ‘Equal Opportunities Plan’ since the end of 2022 and a protocol against sexual harassment and that “all legal requirements” in these are currently met in the organization. subjects.

According to the RFEF, this document, valid for four years, has 11 areas of development and 26 specific measures that it is complying with and that is in force “in light of the information that has pointed to its nonexistence by the Ministry of Labor.” “. This Thursday it was announced that the Labor Inspection has opened a violation report against the employer for the equality plan and for not activating the harassment protocol.

Likewise, the RFEF stressed that it also has a protocol for prevention and action against any situation of sexual harassment so that it “complies with the regulations and the requirements therein” and that it has “the serious and rigorous commitment to continue working in for equality in this sport, just as he is currently doing.

“The RFEF, after the Labor inspection carried out on this matter last September, presented allegations to the conclusions made by the inspection, relating to the registration of the equality plan, being in question whether its registration corresponds to the autonomous administration or to the state administration; as well as clarification of issues regarding the protocol against sexual violence,” stated the federal entity, which considers that “all legal requirements in this matter are currently met.”

The RFEF also recalled that at the end of 2023 it created a new Equality Area that “is working intensely to guarantee the advancement and compliance of these policies through specific projects that seek not only cyclical, but also structural changes.” “It is the Federation’s commitment to achieve these essential objectives for Spanish football, which also acts as a loudspeaker for the entire society,” he stated.

2024-03-06 16:06:56
#RFEF #ensures #complies #legal #requirements #equality #sexual #harassment


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