The Importance of Good Reflexes and Concentration in Badminton: An Interview with E.B.

“In badminton, good reflexes and good concentration”

Why did you choose badminton?

E.B. : I did a lot of tennis before arriving at l’X, I liked racquet sports and I had already played badminton in middle and high school. It is a sport that is fun and compared to tennis, it is easier to progress quickly. I also like the atmosphere when we play badminton. It’s a sport that is hassle-free and at the same time you can progress quite easily and reach a very good level.

What contribution does sport make to your training?

E.B. : Sport allows you to take a break from classes because we mainly have science classes and it allows you to clear your mind a little, to maintain yourself and keep in shape, it’s quite important. It’s true that if there hadn’t been compulsory sports, perhaps I wouldn’t necessarily have done any on my own. So it really allows you to clear your mind, to do something else while still exerting yourself and enjoying the effort.

What physical and mental qualities does badminton require?

E.B. : Badminton is a discipline where you need a lot of cardio. You need to have good support because badminton involves a lot of return support, good speed, running fast over short distances. You also need to have good reflexes, good concentration and know how to analyze where you want to put the point, for example. You have to analyze your qualities and weaknesses. There is also work on the joints due to the support that we often have to take. Good flexibility too can help.

What are the values ​​common to the X and the Olympic Games?

E.B. : As common values, at the also the Olympic values ​​of sharing between all according to the diversity of countries. I think there is also the idea of ​​excellence since the X is an establishment of academic excellence and the objective of the Olympics is also sporting excellence. There are also notions linked to mutual aid, respect for others, hierarchy and comrades. There is also commitment because when we go to the X, there is a notion of commitment to the country that we can find at the Olympics.

Are you going to follow certain sports at the Olympics and if so which ones?

E.B. : Yes I think I will follow certain sports like badminton since I practice it. I will also follow more classic sports such as team sports: volleyball, handball and basketball where France had good results at the last Olympics. Sports also like climbing or tennis which I also like. But the Olympics are also an opportunity to discover other sports that we know less about.

Does a champion or champion particularly arouse your admiration?

E.B. : If I had to choose a champion, I would say Roger Federer in tennis. As I said I did a lot of tennis and I often saw it on TV when I was younger. He had this ease on the court which was quite impressive and even off the court. There was also this rivalry with the other players. He was always playing, which is an important value.

Link to all interviews

2024-03-05 08:00:00
#Sports #series #Emma #Bergeot #X22 #badminton #section


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