The Fear Factor: Diego Schwartzman Reveals Why Facing Rafa Nadal is a Terrifying Experience

Diego Schwartzman once again confessed why Rafa Nadal is one of the tennis players who inspires the most fear when it comes to facing him on a tennis court.

Schwartzman gave an interview to the ESPN program ‘Generation F’ in which he stated how complicated it is to face the Balearic Islands in a match. “I think Rafa, of the three, is the one who commands the most respect when you enter the court. It’s like you enter the court a little more defeated.”

The ‘Little’ believes that Nadal allows fewer options than Djokovic and Federer to stand up to them in matches and in fact goes so far as to affirm that the Spaniard plays each point as if it were the last of his career. “With the others, if you catch Djokovic angry one day or if he grabs a couple of balls and has moments of frustration, and Federer, being so relaxed, sometimes gives you options to get into the match. But Nadal, from the moment you start playing with him, from the beginning to the end, it seems like it is the last point of his career. It’s hard”.

An intensity that, according to Schwartzman, also causes fear among rivals, who cannot find the formula to surpass him. “He commands so much respect in you that sometimes you say: ‘Bloody hell, how do I do it?’ And he handles that perfectly, because it makes him take fewer shots than Federer or Djokovic and he keeps winning. It is very difficult to sustain what he does from minute zero.”

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2024-03-30 11:38:51
#Schwartzman #play #Nadal #point #career


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