“The dice were loaded in advance”: Corinne Diacre settles her scores one year after her ouster from Les Bleues

“The dice were loaded in advance”: Corinne Diacre settles her scores one year after her ouster from Les Bleues

Digestion does not seem to be over yet. Almost a year after being removed from her position as coach of the French women’s team, Corinne Diacre agreed to empty her bag, and reveal her truths in an interview given to The Team.

The one who was replaced by Hervé Renard returns in particular to her difficult relationships with Wendie Renard, Marie-Antoinette Katoto and Kadidiatou Diani, who had announced their withdrawal from the French team, which led to her ouster.

“With Katoto, we had problems in the past, because I did not take her for the 2019 World Cup,” explained Corinne Diacre. Behind, I explained it and gave him arguments. I told him: We said things to each other and now we’re moving on. She nodded. With Diani, as with some, it was difficult. I sometimes went to her to talk, but it didn’t go further than: yes, no, it’s okay. We didn’t pull the worms out of their noses. If they don’t want to talk, they don’t talk. Afterwards, I was criticized for a lack of communication. But the first steps have been taken. »

“It was latent”

The former coach also criticized the Federation. “As a former international (121 caps), as a former assistant to Bruno Bini (2007-2013), plus a few years at the head of the France team, I think that the blue jersey, I I respected it, she said. I believe that in recent times, the Federation, with the people who are at its head today, has not respected it. The blue house is everything to me. That was it for me. Today I have a few grievances. »

His successor, Hervé Renard, who had pointed out his preparation program, was not spared. “It’s easy to criticize what has been done by other people,” stressed Corinne Diacre. When it doesn’t work, you have to make excuses, even if it has been said before. I found it more laughable than anything else. »

According to the Frenchwoman, who says she is ready to find a big challenge after a one-year break, her departure had been planned for a long time. “It was latent. I had the impression of being observed, that what I was doing was being scrutinized,” she assured, adding that “the dice were loaded in advance.”

She finally learned of her dismissal through a phone call from Philippe Diallo, then interim president of the Federation.


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