The ‘Abc’ bar talking about the politicization of pain

Serious attack of horns between the cavern because the central act of tribute to the victims of 11-M was the king and Pedro Sánchez, but not Feijóo. The vanguard shows on the cover the print of the head of state and the president of the Spanish government side by side, but on the first pages ofThe worldl’Abc o The reason they have avoided putting the image. theAbc signs an editorial that they should have written in verse, because it’s a whole poem. It’s called “The politicization of pain” and, of course, they accuse Sánchez of a thousand and one embezzlements. The newspaper speaks in a well-meaning way about the Association of Victims of Terrorism (AVT), which it grants as usual maximum and sole authority on the subject. But let’s take a look at the last five people who have assumed the presidency of the entity: there is the daughter of a Francoist president of the Guipúzcoa Provincial Council, a national police officer, a civil guard, a candidate for the Senate for PP (among other multiple positions) and a Vox deputy. Without underestimating their pain for the losses suffered by all, it is quite obvious that the entity charges towards one side, and it is not precisely the left. “The act should only belong to the victims”, says the text. But they refer only to the AVT, because other relatives of murders end up being vilified in continuous session. Or do they think we have already forgotten Pilar Manjón, precisely the victim of 11-M, and the hostile campaign she received from the media speakers of the PP?

Making an editorial about the instrumentalization of pain as if the AVT had not assumed a directly partisan position can only be explained from the cynicism of someone who knows that he has his readership captive in a very specific Matrix. Specifically, in a virtual reality where Pedro Sánchez is the friend of terroristsalthough his party was also a frequent target of ETA.

2024-03-12 16:41:13
#Abc #bar #talking #politicization #pain


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