Tackling Heading in Football: The Unspoken Health Risks

Heading in football: inevitable, but is it responsible? Abroad, more and more studies are linking it to dementia, but in Belgium the theme is relatively undiscussed. Pano conducted a study that was shown on VRT 1 on Tuesday evening. “It is strange that so little attention is paid to it in our country,” says reporter Vincent Verelst.

“I still think it’s because of the heading. The force with which the ball comes towards you, and the force he then exerted to head that ball away. That must cause injuries in the long run, right?”

These are the words of Diane Vandeweyer, wife of former footballer Staf Vanhoudt, who died in December at the age of 81 from the effects of dementia.

She asks the question that relatively few people in the (Belgian) football world ask themselves. What are the health risks of heading?

Our colleagues from Pano have now delved into the underexposed subject. They spoke to experts in the matter and to some family members of deceased football players.

Reporter Vincent Verelst went to Scotland to speak with neuropathologist Willie Stewart, who conducts groundbreaking research on the brains of deceased football players.

“He diagnosed CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, ed.) in 7 out of 10 of the deceased football players with dementia,” says Verelst.

“Damage to the brain that also occurs in boxers, rugby players and American football players. He is certain that there is a clear long-term link between frequent heading in football and dementia. Personally, I am honestly shocked by the results. “

“We also attended an experiment where you immediately saw the impact of a header on the brain. Fortunately, it recovers from that. Only: how many times do you have to head before it does not recover?”

Verelst – himself the father of a 14-year-old son who plays football – also noted how the theme is much discussed on the canal, but certainly not in Belgium.

“In England and Scotland, everyone knows what the dangers are. (laughs) Even the taxi driver during my report mentioned it. The day before and after a match, heading is not allowed during training there – you clearly feel the restrictions there. But here in Nobody cares about it in Belgium.”

“Okay, Voetbal Vlaanderen launched a measure last week that will impose a total ban on heading for children under the age of 9 next season. But at that age, heading is rarely or never done.”

The lack of information and awareness surprised Verelst: “Because you see that football players are immediately concerned when there is something wrong with their ankle or knee, but when they collide with the head they hardly stand still. However, our brain is something that cannot be replaced.” and makes us unique.”

2024-03-19 21:23:00
#harmful #heading #football #Pano #investigated #shocked #results


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