Szczesny, Polish hero and future Juventus in several steps: increasingly clear scenario

Eleven meters from hanging up his red and white gloves! Tuesday evening Szczesnygoalkeeper of Juventus and Poland, came close to saying goodbye to the national team goal after 81 games. If the play-off match with Wales, for the pass to the next European Championship, had been lost, in all probability he would have left the team forever Poland. Instead, his save on the fifth and final penalty, kicked by the British James, in the match that ended 0-0 after 90 minutes and extra time made millions of Poles rejoice in unison.

Szczesny leader calmo

His reaction in the immediate seconds to the decisive deflection was partly surprising: a cold calm, like Balotelli after a goal, as if to force himself not to want to be overwhelmed by the joy which in the meantime had made all his teammates jump like springs who in fact, shortly after, they hugged him, filling the door in a wild and collective celebration. «Qualifying for the European Championship? We fulfilled our duty. If I’m happy? Certain. But I’m always calm. I experience emotions on and off the pitch quite lightly. I’m happy, but I don’t get emotional. We should have gotten through the group stage without any problems. We didn’t, but we got the job done. It’s important because I probably would have ended my national team career if we had lost the match. So there was some pressure. I’ve already played in some final stages of the European Championships and it’s always a fun occasion. The penalties? It’s fun for a goalkeeper: it’s the kind of thing he dreams of, so for me it’s a good thing. We are happy and relieved. At the end we were under a bit of pressure and when it comes to penalties it’s a lottery. I feel sorry for the Welsh; they played a very good and solid game». Thus he spoke Szczesnythe calm leader.

2024-03-28 06:39:41
#Szczesny #Polish #hero #future #Juventus #steps #increasingly #clear #scenario


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