Symptoms of excess Vitamin D and how to prevent it

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin – although it is actually a hormone – that plays an important role in maintaining health, such as help the body absorb and retain calcium and phosphorustwo fundamental elements for the formation of bones.

Additionally, laboratory studies show that vitamin D can reduce the growth of cancer cells, help control infections and reduce inflammation.

It is possible that due to a excess vitamin Ddue to certain conditions, experiments:

Hypercalcemia: excess calcium in the blood.Common symptoms: nausea, vomiting, weakness, and/or confusion.Serious symptoms: kidney problems, tissue calcification, and/or cardiac arrhythmias.

How do I know if I have a high level of vitamin D?

To find out if we have a higher than normal level of vitamin D (hypervitaminosis D) the most advisable thing will be through blood test.

The condition of Vitamin D toxicity is practically exclusive to pre-existing kidney patients and of medical conditions that cause hypervitaminosisregardless of external consumption.

However, it is possible that certain symptoms may be experienced that make us suspect it, such as stomach upsetdue to the accumulation of calcium in the blood (hypercalcemia) and causing nausea and vomitingby the way of feeling of weakness o increased frequency of urination.

Vitamin D blood concentrations greater than 125 nmol/L (50 ng/mL) are considered too high.

How does excess Vitamin D affect us in the long term?

The main consequence of an excess of vitamin D is hypercalcemiawhich is due to an excessive accumulation of calcium in the body, which can affect the kidneys (formation of calcium stones), al heart (arrhythmia), to the muscles (ataxia), and as well as weaken the bones (future osteoporosis).

The symptoms of vitamin D toxicity In relation to hypercalcemia that may be experienced they would be:

Decreased appetite. Nausea and vomiting. Constipation. Dehydration. Increased thirst (polydipsia). Frequent urination. Confusion, lethargy and fatigue. Muscle weakness and difficulty walking. Bone pain. Kidney stones.

How to regulate your Vitamin D levels?

The main action to reduce levels will be eliminate taking products containing vitamin D and calciumby the way of increase vitamin K intakeeither through food or through food supplements, and maintain a correct hydration.

We recommend that you follow the health professional’s guidelines when a high level of vitamin D is detected.

Symptoms of excess of other vitamins:

Bibliographic Sources

Learn more about vitamin D:

2024-03-21 10:47:18
#Symptoms #excess #Vitamin #prevent


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