Success at the Tarascon Open: Kodokan Pamiers Judo Youth Bring Home the Medals

The young judokas, phoenixes of Kodokan Pamiers judo (symbol of the club) returned last weekend from the Tarascon open covered in medals. And of course many satisfactions. The Appamean judo club had sent a delegation of around thirty young fighters, kimonos firmly attached to their bodies, with several successful demonstrations. Concretely, they put into practice on the tatami mats the teachings of their teachers to achieve very good fights with seriousness and determination. Kodokan Pamiers judo was represented in all youth categories (minimals, benjamins, chicks, mini chicks and judo awakenings). “Congratulations to everyone for the success of this highlight, but also to Marcel, organizer of the event and teacher of Tarascon” points out the Kodokan staff, once again in numbers around the mats to encourage and supervise their protégés. Particularly under the direction and supervision of Patrick Paulhan, (5th dan state certificate) and Lisa Falcou (holder of a BPJEPS). We will also find Lisa on the tatami mats in a few days for the finals of the French Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu championship (remembering that ju-jitsu is a discipline that is also practiced and taught in Pamiers as a martial art.) The champion must travel to Vendée to fight against the best in the discipline in her category. While waiting at the club, a lot of work, travel to plan, training also at the Kodokan which has 210 licensees including around thirty black belts, formidable judokas in action.

2024-03-05 19:23:27
#Appamean #judokas #verve #Tarascon #Open


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