Stephen Curry’s Political Ambitions: From NBA Star to Potential US President

Sports and politics have had an unbreakable bond throughout history, although it is true that some players get more involved than others. Stephen Curry He never hid his enmity with Donald Trump and he had no qualms when Joe Biden He offered him a position as a sports advisor, but his ambition has no ceiling and he goes for more. In an interview he did not rule out the possibility of being president of the USA. Will he have the same aim there that he enjoys on the playing field?

In March of last year, Joe Biden, the president of the North American country, appointed him as a member of the “Sports, Fitness and Nutrition Advisory Council“, as reported from the White House. What role did she occupy? This council is a political advisory body charged with promoting physical activity and healthy eating for all Americans, regardless of their background or abilities.

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That appearance in the environment was not whimsical. The base of Golden State Warrios He wanted to demonstrate his interest in collaborating with the discipline he loves so much, but he also tried to certify his interest in politics. He expressed this in his last interview, in which he was subjected to a questionnaire after which he ended up revealing his desire to lead the country of fifty stars.

“I’m interested in using every bit of my influence to do good, as much as I can, and if that’s the way to do it…” Curry began by confessing. The American star also has a very good relationship with Barack Obamapresident for eight years, whom he frequently accompanied on his golf games and made more than one visit to the White House along with the rest of his family.

Curry has a good relationship with Joe Biden

Jeff Chiu / AP/LaPresse

The link with Donald Trump. The thing is that the athlete was always very critical of him, and even refused to attend the traditional reception of the champions of the NBA in 2017, a decision that aroused the anger of the president, who quickly withdrew his invitation and went on the attack through the medium he knew best, social networks, clarifying that he had never requested his presence.

Regardless of political ideologies, no one expected him to drop a bomb of such magnitude just eight months before the elections. “I’m not going to say the presidency, but I am going to say politics…” said the basketball player. At this moment, the journalist from CBS He questioned him about the presidency and he muddled through: “Yes, maybe. If you can create meaningful change through politics, or if there is a way to do it outside of politics.”

Curry puts the brakes on

A surname of such significance, with an idea of ​​said parameter, could not go unnoticed in the environment. That is why the media put their foot on the accelerator and asked him if his presence on the 2028 list was viable. Far from being doubtful, he confirmed that he does not want to rush.

“Not so early,” he said. What he did not refuse is the option of being a candidate one day, since when he was asked again if he did not rule it out, he responded again with a “no.” Looking ahead to these elections, in which the current president, Joe Bidenwill meet again with Trump, the base made his position quite clear in an interview with the Rolling Stone. “Most of his rhetoric, before he was president, during his four years and even now, if he tries again, has a divisive tone that should have no place in our country. As serious and loud as the threat is, of him or anyone else running for president, there should be a similar urgency and necessary noise on the other side,” he stated flatly about the attitude of Donald.

2024-03-13 17:22:46
#year #applying


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