Sports Coach Faces Criminal Charges for Sexual Activities with Minor: What Happened?

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On March 8 of this year, the officials of the 1st Office of the 3rd Department of the Criminal Police Department of the State Police (VP) of the Riga Region sent a criminal case against a sports coach, who is suspected of sexual activities with a person under the age of 16, to the LA portal for the initiation of criminal prosecution. Lāsma Greidāne, deputy head of the Public Relations Department of the VP, informed LV.

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The criminal process was initiated on April 21, 2023, based on the victim’s submission that from 2014 to 2015, the sports coach, with whom she was training at the time, had performed sexual acts with her, knowing that she had not reached the age of sixteen years.

In the course of the criminal trial, it was established that until the victim was sixteen years old, there had been consensual sexual relations between the two, which the victim hid from her parents and friends. After several years, when the victim reached the age of majority, the relationship escalated with the marriage of both parties, which broke up shortly after its conclusion.


Also, during the investigation, no information was found that the suspect had sexual relations with other minors.

After evaluating the circumstances proven in the criminal proceedings, the police suggested that the prosecutor’s office prosecute the person for four separate criminal offenses (one less serious and three serious criminal offenses) in accordance with: Article 161 of the Criminal Law for sexual acts with a person who has not reached the age of sixteen;
Article 161 of the Criminal Law on satisfying sexual desire in an unnatural way, with a person who has not reached the age of sixteen (Criminal Law version until June 13, 2014); The first part of Article 162 of the Criminal Law on indecent acts with a minor, if it has been committed by an adult (Criminal Law version until June 13, 2014).

For the most serious of the aforementioned crimes, if found guilty, a person may be sentenced to imprisonment for a period of up to five years or temporary imprisonment, or probation supervision, or community service.


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