Spanish Authorities Concerned as Madrid Set to Host Two Important Champions League Matches in 24 Hours

This Friday the draw for the Champions League took place. If PSG did well on paper by drawing FC Barcelona, ​​Real Madrid had the unpleasant surprise of facing, once again, Manchester City (the third time in three years). For its part, Atlético de Madrid will face Borussia Dortmund. But by chance of the calendar, the Merengues and the Colchoneros will host in the first leg of these quarter-finals.

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What clearly concerns the Spanish authorities. According to AS, for security reasons, the authorities do not want Madrid to host two such important meetings in 24 hours. And usually, UEFA is not in favor of this type of scenario either. The same scenario had also taken place recently in Lisbon with European matches of Benfica and Sporting which had pushed UEFA to postpone one of the two matches. And in the Champions League where the matches are played at the same time from the quarter-finals onwards, this could push UEFA to reverse the order of one of the two matches. To be continued since this situation had already occurred in 2022 and in 2014 with Real Madrid and Atletico who hosted matches one day apart.

Pub. 03/15/2024 2:10 p.m. Updated 03/15/2024 2:52 p.m.

2024-03-15 13:10:22
#Real #MadridCity #AtléticoDortmund #reversed


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