Senegalese Badminton Champion Demba Ndiaye to Represent Country at African Games in Ghana

Kaffrine, Feb 29 (APS) – The Senegalese badminton champion, in the junior category, Demba Ndiaye, will represent his country in this discipline at the next African Games scheduled for March 3 to 23, 2024 in Accra, Ghana, we have learned. learned from Abdoulaye Keita, president of the Babacar Cobar Ndao badminton club in Kaffrine.

“We appeal to the Minister Mayor of the commune of Kaffrine, Abdoulaye Saydou Sow, to accompany the young Demba Ndiaye, resident of the Babacar Cobar Ndao badminton club in Kaffrine (center). He will worthily represent the Kaffrine region and Senegal at the African Games in Accra,” Mr. Keita told APS.

Aged 15, the young sportsman is a second grade student at the Babacar Cobar Ndao high school in Kaffrine, where he began his sporting career in 2021, after the introduction of badminton in this school, he explained, relating to the “notorious advances” of this discipline in Kaffrine and the rest of Senegal.

“It is an emerging discipline which is beginning to give satisfaction to Senegal and to Kaffrine in particular”, he recognized, welcoming the technical supervision work carried out by the regional sports inspector, Ibrahima Diba, of coach Mamadou Mbaye, from the head of the departmental youth service of Malem Hodar, initiators of badminton in Kaffrine.

Abdoulaye Keita also invited the authorities to support this sporting discipline facing many difficulties in Kaffrine.

“Badminton is a sport that is played indoors, but due to lack of resources, we practice it in the open air in difficult conditions”. We do not have materials and equipment appropriate for this sport,” he lamented, calling for these obstacles to be overcome to perform.

The Babacar Cobar Ndao badminton club in Kaffrine has around thirty residents.


2024-02-29 10:16:00
#SENEGALAFRICASPORTBADMINTON #African #Games #Accra #Demba #Ndiaye #represent #Senegal #junior #category #Senegalese #press #agency


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