Sarri, the choice on the future after Lazio | Primapagina

Sarri, the choice on the future after Lazio | Primapagina |

  • Marco Demicheli

  • an hour ago

It just passed a week after Maurizio Sarri’s farewell to Lazio. The decision to submit his resignation the day after the defeat against Udinese at the Olympic stadium, at the end of a period with four consecutive defeats, including the one against Bayern Munich which had led to the elimination of the Biancocelesti from the Champions League. Results aside, a choice that surprised many, also considering the contract until 2025 that the Tuscan coach had with president Lotito’s club. But that feeling of having been “betrayed”, as reported by Lotito himself, of no longer being able to impact the team, led Sarri to to step back. Without having a plan B readywithout a bench to sit on between now and the next few months.

ASSESSMENTS ON THE FUTURE – Indeed, several times Sarri had declared that he saw Lazio as the team where he wanted to end his career as a coach. The last period, with all the disappointments that he brought with him, not only in terms of results, made him reevaluate and review his plans. And uA new adventure in the coming months cannot be ruled out. More than in Italy, abroad. His year at Chelsea led him to win a Europa League and also convince many critics with his “Sarri-ball”. If they were to arrive concrete opportunities and offers for training still far from Italy, even from more “exotic” locations, Sarri would definitely take them into consideration. It is more difficult, although nothing is impossible, to see him at the helm of a national team: the work on the pitch, day after day, is what gives him the most satisfaction. That satisfaction that he had lost in the last few weeks in Formello.

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2024-03-20 14:30:00
#Sarri #choice #future #Lazio #Primapagina


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