Ruthenois Suffer Defeat Against Rognonas: A Recap of the National 3 Basketball Match

Saturday March 30, the Ruthenois lost 66-79 against the team which had stolen the place of runner-up in their National 3 group the previous weekend.

Saturday March 30, on the Ginette-Mazel floor, Rodez basketball Aveyron (5th) hosted the runner-up in their National 3 group, Rognonas, with the aim of regaining second place in the ranking. The Ruthenois were only a small point behind the Provençaux before kick-off.

If this second place is not an end in itself for the players of Matidja Sagadin, the competitive spirit which animates the group tends to believe that if the opportunity to finish among the three best second and therefore to access the N2 presents itself, the RBA will seize it. Alas, mathematics and sport are not an exact science and the blood and gold lost 66-79. However, the start of the meeting was balanced.

Impatience cost Rodez dearly

Each team went blow for blow. The major five Diouf, Williams, Bannerman, Gelin, Sharta were on par with their evening opponents. But in the second quarter, the impatience of the Ruthenois cost them dearly by using too many three-point shots without success, which exposed them to counterattacks. And as in defense, the largesse of marking was legion, the addition was favorable to Rognonas at the break (38-43).

At the restart, we found the same appearance of the match with opponents who closed the area well, again forcing the blood and gold to try their luck from afar. And as the address was still not there, it was becoming more and more difficult for the Ruthenians to stay in touch on the scoreboard. For five mistakes, Pierre Frugère abandoned his partners, making the task of his team a little more complicated. During the last quarter, Rognonas did the job quietly, leaving Rodez a good distance away.

The reaction

Matija Sagadin, coach of Rodez

We were sorely lacking in address this evening (Saturday March 30). Of course, there was a good team up front, made up of experienced players, but losing like that at home leaves a bitter taste. We couldn’t get inside and that forced us to make three-point shots, which wasn’t our strong point.

Technical sheet :
Quarter-time scores : 27-24, 38-43 at the break, 48-57.
The teams :
– Rodez : Diouf 23 points, Abbad, Salhi, Bannerman 6, Williams (cap.) 8, Chumiatcher 4, Gelin 6, Rigal 2, Moncet, Sharta 13, Vérol, Frugère 4.
– Rognonas : Ouallet 5 points, Bagou 23, Morris 20, Cynnault 8, Ben Aissou 10, Pegon (cap) 6, Rambaud 3, Blein 14, Marlaud.

2024-03-30 22:57:36
#Basketball #Rodez #solution #Rognonas


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