Richarlison in tears: “After the World Cup I wanted to stop, I was only looking for things about death and I was depressed” – Football

This time racism has nothing to do with it. This time the drama is intimate, profound. After the outburst of Vinicius, another Brazilian bursts into tears in front of a camera. It’s about Richarlisoncenter forward of Tottenham fell into disgrace after the World Cup in Qatar.

Richarlison: “I wanted to quit, I was depressed”

“I thought about quitting, I was depressed, I was only looking for images about death on the internet”. A painful confession, the one in front of the cameras Espn. Talking about what happened after returning from the Doha experience with Brazil’s number 9 shirt on his shoulders: “I would have just wanted to play a World Cup at my best, but instead I had reached the limit. I don’t know what was going through my head. I even talked about it with my father, I told him that I wanted to give up everything.” Without a reason, as if something shocking had happened: “I don’t know, I won’t say that I wanted to commit suicide. But I was depressed and wanted to quit. Instead of going to training I just wanted to go home, or to my room. I don’t even know why.”

Richarlison: “I was watching stuff about death online, therapy saved me”

Explaining how he ended up in that vortex is not very easy: “After the World Cup it seemed to me that everything was falling apart.” He came out of it by going to therapy, even at the cost of questioning himself: Before I thought that people who sought professional help were crazy. But it was nonsense. My therapist, whether I like it or not, saved my life. I was just thinking rubbish. Even on Google I was just looking for rubbish, I just wanted to see stuff about death.” And now he suggests anyone with problems do the same: “Today I can say: if you need a psychologist, look for one because it’s nice to open up, talk to someone who understands. And whether we like it or not, it saves human lives.”

2024-03-28 08:10:19
#Richarlison #tears #World #Cup #wanted #stop #death #depressed #Football


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