Pickleball Craze Hits Usquert Tennis Club in Groningen

UsquertTennis club Usquert is the first and only tennis club in the province of Groningen to start playing pickleball. The new popular game, brought over from America, is a mix of badminton, table tennis and tennis. On Saturday, March 23, 2024, a trainer will give a free clinic on the Usquert tennis court. Everyone is welcome, including non-members of the association. Tennis experience is not necessary.

After padel, pickleball is well on its way to becoming a new craze in tennis land. In the United States it is even the fastest growing sport. Pickleball courts have also recently started springing up in the Netherlands. TC Usquert is the leader in the province of Groningen. It is the only club in North Groningen with hard courts and those are suitable for pickleball. The sport is not possible on gravel or artificial grass.

Pickleball is played on a court the size of a badminton court, but with a low net. The sport is played with large, angular table tennis bats. The great thing is that pickleball is accessible and accessible to everyone, partly due to the lower ball speed than tennis. “The ease with which you reach a reasonable playing level is much greater with pickleball than with tennis. That is why the sport is so extremely popular,” says Anne van Twillert, board member of TC Usquert. Members of TC Usquert played pickleball for the first time this year and are extremely enthusiastic.

New growth
Last May, the Hollandscheveldse Tennis Club in Hoogeveen was the first location in the Northern Netherlands with official pickleball courts. This has resulted in a large number of new members. TC Usquert also hopes for new members from the wider area. Van Twillert: “We play pickleball outside on our own tennis courts, on which the outline of the pickleball court is indicated. We set up the movable net when we play. We have several nets, special balls and pickleball paddles or bats. So you don’t have to purchase materials yourself. Make sure you wear sneakers.”

The clinic will take place on Saturday, March 23, 2024 on the tennis courts of Usquert and will be given by pickleball coach Michel Mulder. The clinic starts at 10:30 am. After the clinic it is possible to play a game yourself. Registration is required and can be done until March 18 via [email protected].

2024-03-13 11:26:26
#Usquert #Groningen #scoop #pickleball #Eemskrant.nl


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