PGF Young Judokas Shine at Judo Day Event in Bologna

Last Sunday in Bologna the young judokas of the PGF returned to the tatami, trained by Federal Master Maurizio Cairone, on the occasion of Judo Day, a pre-competitive event authorized by Fijlkam Emilia-Romagna Judo and organized by Polisportiva Lame.

The 25 registered companies, coming from all over Emilia-Romagna, lined up over 290 athletes on the 5 tatamis set up for the race, ten of which belonged to our sports association, managing to win 5 gold medals with Chloe Banzi, Riccardo Sivieri, Emanuele Guirrini, Giovanni Pellegatti and Leonardo Sivieri, 2 silver with Christian Lodi and Giacomo Giannone, and 3 bronze with Ginevra Moccagatta, Nina Giannone and Mya Grace Banzi.

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2024-03-01 23:05:41
#Excellent #start #season #judokas #Ferrara #Gymnastics #Gym


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