Paying women in sports

Paying women in sports

And now to the professionals: Caitlin Clark (center) Image: AFP

She is now often accompanied by a police escort: 22-year-old Caitlin Clark is shaping college basketball like no one before her and is thus putting pressure on better pay for women in sports.

As winter sets in across the vast prairie landscape west of Chicago and gusty winds dump freezing temperatures and lots of snow from the Arctic, people in places like Iowa would have every reason to stay at home. In mid-January, for example, the thermometer fell to 20 degrees Celsius below zero. But that hardly stopped anyone when the University of Iowa women’s basketball team played its home games on such nights. Then 15,000 people came and filled the large hall on campus to the brim.

Fans knew they wouldn’t have many more opportunities to see the one player who had become a phenomenon in this arena since her arrival as a freshman three and a half years ago. Her time in Iowa City will soon come to an end.


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