Passing the test: Kirchheimbolanden gymnastics club members achieve new judo belts through mastery of techniques

If you want to get the next higher belt in judo, you have to show that you have mastered the necessary techniques such as throwing and ground techniques or “strangle holds”.

At the first belt test of the judo department of the Kirchheimbolanden gymnastics club (TVK) this year, 16 children as well as seven young people and adults achieved a new belt. The test took place in the Jahnhalle in Kirchheimbolanden, the current TVK training center.

The extensive training preparation for the exams was carried out by coaches Lea and Max Dommermuth, Felix Willig and Paul Ebert, who recently took part in the German championship of the U21 age group in Frankfurt/Oder.

What athlete doesn’t want to own a black belt? But the way there leads through the colored belts before it to the ultimate last one, the black belt. For the first time, the exam took place according to a new exam system that allows for clear standards and flexibility at the same time.

The darker the belt, the more demanding

The belt color palette in judo is becoming increasingly sophisticated with the darker shades. Candidates who earned the blue belt, for example, had to master a variety of throwing types and ground techniques as well as various “strangle holds”. Trainer Lea Dommermuth sums up: “I have been fascinated by martial arts since I was a child. Training in the club gives me strength and energy. The benefits of sport increase my safety and self-confidence.” Many athletes share this insight.

There are now around 50 actively training children in the TV Kirchheimbolanden judo department. This confirms the very good level of the sports department. Children aged five to twelve train twice a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays from 4.30 p.m. to 6 p.m., while youth and adults (twelve years and older) also train on Tuesdays and Fridays from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Jahnhalle in Kirchheimbolanden. A trial training session for children takes place every first Friday of the month.

2024-03-19 13:42:57
#belt #test #year #Kirchheimbolanden #Judo


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