Paris 2024 Olympic Games: these sports where the French have a real advantage by training at home

The coaches will tell you that it’s fair game. And it’s like this every four years! In disciplines such as sailing, canoeing, rowing, track cycling, BMX or shooting, where athletes from the host country have the chance to prepare on future Olympic infrastructures, there is an obligation to open the doors to their competitors. But, because there is a but, before Paris 2024 takes the keys, the site operators set the prices. And the prices for training slots open to foreigners then tend to… skyrocket.

In Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), the Marina is reserved for French people, but since the sea does not belong to anyone, foreigners come there regularly. After having… paid the right to moor in one of the nearby nautical clubs. During the test event last July, the Blues shone.


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