Palagianello Municipal Council Approves 2024/26 Budget Forecast amid Mixed Reactions

Palagianello municipal council

With the votes of the Gasparre majority, the Palagianello municipal council approved the 2024/26 budget forecast.

Satisfaction for the municipal administration, which spoke of a budget designed and drawn up in line with the electoral program presented to the city and criticism from the opposition political movement “Palagianello for Freedom” which reported: «It is a program which has nothing or very little of that added value that has been so boasted about since the election campaign.”


This is a budget of which, although the result of sacrifices and spending limits, we can be proud. As promised, the attention towards citizens was very high.

The municipal administration has pursued the objective of a correct budget balance, trying not to burden citizens’ pockets.

The inherited economic situation, which left us no room for manoeuvre, the considerable increase in the costs of energy resources and raw materials, with a significant burden on the organisation’s accounts, and the annual tax paid to the State which was not proportionate to the actual revenue, have made it difficult to make choices. Yet, the municipal administration has managed to pursue the objective of a correct budget balance, trying not to burden citizens’ pockets.

A great team effort, by the majority, which balanced all the needs to guarantee greater attention to social services to support the weakest groups and inclusion, and planning, in each sector, a new phase of development.

Reduction of the IMU, reduction of construction costs (for urban regeneration, decarbonisation, energy efficiency, seismic safety measures and containment of land consumption, renovation, as well as recovery and reuse of decommissioned or under construction properties disposal rate reduction equal to 35%; for interventions on the existing building stock that involve a change of intended use towards hotel accommodation functions rate reduction equal to 50%), TARI concessions for off-site students are just some of the interventions aimed at supporting the families of Palagianello.

And again, planning of public works, made more concrete and feasible, tourism, cultural activities, environment, urban planning, productive activities, more careful management of the institution’s assets; we have tried to pay our attention in every sector, for the economic and social development of our country.

Since May 2023, our administration has always focused on synergy and collaboration between aldermen, city councilors and all employees, now more involved in administrative action.

I would like to thank the offices and sector managers for the excellent work done in synergy and full collaboration.

The new era, as promised, puts the citizen at the center of its administrative action. We will continue to work in this direction, to do more and more and better.


Initiatives and services already put in place by the Borracci administration and the much-vaunted major maneuvers have been confirmed in the vast majority of sectors.

For example: on the reduction of the costs of the canteen service for families, on social services, especially with regards to social inclusion and family services, there is no trace. Probably because everything that could be done has already been done in the past and now all that remains is to confirm.

We hope and hope, for everyone’s good, that “the new era” really creates new growth opportunities for our community because at a certain point promises must be kept and the time for “evidence” is not long in coming.

Finally: the reduction of one percentage point in the IMU property tax concerns only and exclusively the manufactured areas, a necessary clarification to avoid creating further expectations that are promptly disregarded.

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2024-03-16 07:57:42
#ViviWebTv #Palagianello #budget #estimate #approved #mayors #satisfaction #oppositions #criticisms


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