Nuggets Take First Place in the West with Victory over Spurs

The crossover continues between the Thunder and the Nuggets, who once again steal first place in the Western Conference from the Oklahoma City franchise after their victory over the Spurs in San Antonio (117-106), Friday evening in the NBA.

. Jokic decisive. Nikola Jokic, double MVP (2021, 2022), did the job to allow his Denver Nuggets team to beat the Spurs. The Serbian, double MVP, scored 31 points with 68.4% shooting success (13/19).

. Series in progress for Denver. The Denver Nuggets signed their fifth success in a row. “Retaining this top spot is a big challenge for us,” said Christian Braun, who replaced Jokic in the final minutes. “Since the All-Star Game, we have had good momentum,” added the player from a franchise that has only lost one of its last twelve games since the All-Star Game.

. Discreet Wembanyama. Without being sparkling, the young French phenomenon scored 17 points on 4/12 shots including 1/5 three-pointers, took nine rebounds, provided two assists, managed two interceptions and three blocks, performances a little below its standards.

. Williamson shines with the Pelicans. Zion Williamson shone with the New Orleans Pelicans, who won against the LA Clippers (112-104), deprived of James Harden, injured. The star power forward of the Pelicans scored 34 points on 14/21 shots (67% success), adding to his score sheet seven rebounds, four assists and three interceptions. With this victory, the Pelicans (6th) are getting closer to the Clippers (6th) in the standings in the Western Conference.

. The Miami Collective. The Miami Heat, with six players with more than ten points, beat the Detroit Pistons 108 to 95, to climb to 7th place in the Eastern Conference.

2024-03-16 09:49:17
#NBA #Denver #beats #Spurs #returns #top #Western #Conference


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