Modica Calcio, 2-2 against Città di Gela

The match ends in a draw between Modica Calcio and Gela. 2-2 the final result at the end of a long match played at an intense pace in which Modica tried in every way to bring home the three points, stopping in front of the posts and the crossbar at the end.

The first half it starts with a shot from Palmisano after just 2′, the ball goes high. The goal was in the air and arrived in the 5th minute following a corner kick, with Trovato managing to push the ball into the goal from two steps away. Just 4 minutes were needed for Gela to equalise, with a rossoblu distraction sending Signate through on goal and making it 1-1. In the 19th minute, Cacciola was dangerous and started on the counterattack and finished with a precise diagonal shot that hit the post. Missed goal, goal conceded, in the 22nd minute Gela took the lead with an action that was a photocopy of the first, this time it was Bellomo who pierced Basso and made it 2-1 for the visitors. At the end of the first half the opportunity fell to Azzara who almost missed the Sunday goal.

The second half it starts immediately with a cross into the middle by Incatasciato who finds the new arrival Famà ready and heads it in for the equalizer. In the 15th minute, another series of clear opportunities for the Savasta Famà duo, the two attackers try a series of shots which however find Di Martino ready and the left post until the ball is sent high by the top scorer of the group. Modica corsair, tries again to get ahead even in the 27th minute with Incatasciato who grazes the post and in the 31st minute with Diop who, from a corner, grazes the crossbar. In the 41st minute Biondi hits the crossbar, the midfielder tries to put it on goal from outside but bad luck accompanies him in this action.

“There is a lot of regret, I’m happy for the goal but the result is not what I wanted. We paid for two inattentions in the first half, but in the second half we dominated – declared Trovato, scorer of the first goal – We are honored that the fans applauded us, but we had to win and we cannot consider ourselves happy. We have to start again from the second half, with the sacrifice shown and we hope to have better luck with the woodwork, today two posts and a crossbar didn’t help us.”

This is the scoreboard:

Modica Soccer: Basso, Trovato M., Ballatore (37′ st Biondi), Incatascaito, Vindigni (1′ st Strano), Diop, Azzara (1′ st Famà), Palmisano (27′ st Prezzabile), Cacciola, Palermo, Savasta. Bench: Trovato N., Guerci, Alfieri, Biondi, Strano, Cicero, Prezzabile, Famà, Ababei. Trainer: Alessandro Settineri.

City Of the room: Di Martino, Bellomo (1′ st Azzolina), Trentacoste, Longo, Tuve, Martinez, Rechichi, Tripods, Signate (27′ st D’Agosto), Alves (27′ st Caci), Lo Giudice (15′ st Messina) . Bench: Galesi, Azzolina, Calderone, Ferrigno, Messina, Catania, Caci, D’Agosto, Strabone. Trainer: Mirko Fausciana.

Markers: 5′ pt Trovato (M), 9′ pt Signate (G), 22′ pt Bellomo (G), 3′ st Famà (M)

Warned: Palmisano (M), Martinez, Rechichi, D’Agosto (G)

Expelled: Settineri (M)

2024-03-04 15:53:36
#Modica #Calcio #Città #Gela


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