Maxime Angot: From Normandy Champion to International Competitor

Maxime Angot: From Normandy Champion to International Competitor

Maxime Angot, 32, was crowned Normandy combat ju-jitsu champion last December.

“I started karate in 2000, at the age of 8, then ju-jitsu in 2007 and finally judo in 2009”, explains the Falais athlete. Ju-jitsu is a martial art born in Japan, which brings together unarmed combat techniques, originally used by samurai when they were unarmed. “It is a complete sport, which takes place in three parts: a foot-fist part close to karate, another hand-to-hand part which is in fact judo, where you have to throw your opponent to the ground, and finally a 3rd part also called Brazilian ju-jitsu, which takes place on the ground, and whose goal is to submit your opponent by immobilizing him. » To avoid injuries, special equipment is necessary: ​​protection for the feet and shins, mitts, mouth guards mandatory for cadets.

Maxime Angot trains four times a week. In addition to competitions, he also teaches one evening a week, and trains athletes from the regional team qualified for the French championships. “Ju-jitsu is a sport in full development, it has more and more membershe explains, freer than judo, so a nice diversion for those who started with judo and want to progress to something else. »

World Games in 2025

Ju-jitsu is not an Olympic sport, but “we have the world games” : the next ones will take place in August 2025 in China. Maxime Angot, who has already participated four times in the French championships, is one of the 16 best ju-jitsu combat athletes in the under 77 kg category, and can congratulate himself on having fought the world champion.

His next deadline: the French senior championships, which will take place on March 16, 2024 in Mouilleron-le-Captif in Vendée.

2024-03-04 06:42:21
#Maxime #Angot #Normandy #jujitsu #champion #qualified #France


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