Mastering Badminton Shots: A Guide to Improve Your Game

Answer Key for Physical Education Exam or PJOK Class XII SMA…

Answer Key for Physical Education Exam or PJOK Class XII SMA…

21. In the game of badminton, a shot aimed at bringing the ball as close as possible to the net and quickly into the opponent’s court is a shot… a. service b. lobe c. crush d. drive…Continue reading…

7 third badminton goal –

7 third badminton goal –

Below are the seven types of badminton shots and their explanations. 1. Smashing Fist Technique. In the game of badminton, the smash is one of the shots that is relied upon and has the objective of scoring points. A smash is a punch thrown as fast and hard as possible by diving into the opponent’s court. Keep reading…

How to make a net or net in badminton

How to make a net or net in badminton

A shot whose objective is to bring the ball as close as possible to the net in the opponent’s court is called a goal. The point of placing the ball must first be to see the presence and body posture of the opponent when preparing to attack. Keep reading…

5 Types of Badminton Shots You Should Know –

5 Types of Badminton Shots You Should Know –

This shot can speed up the pace of the game by lowering the shuttlecock and shooting it with the net. Furthermore, direct hits can disturb the opponent’s position. 4. Drop punch. This shot is used to bring the shuttlecock as quickly as possible and as close to the net as possible into the opponent’s court. The launch must attempt to sharply drop the shuttle downward. Keep reading…

7 hitting techniques in Badminton is …

7 hitting techniques in Badminton is …

Now it is interesting to know everything about badminton competitions, including shooting technique. So what are the techniques? Let’s look at 7 hitting techniques in badminton with explanation. Keep reading…

Different badminton shots, playing technique, rules of the game

Different badminton shots, playing technique, rules of the game

Types of shots in badminton. There are three types of shots in the game of badminton: the overhead drive and the underhand drive. Each type of punch has different functions and uses. 1. Punch. A drive is a kind of horizontal and fast push. Keep reading…

Types of badminton shots and their advantages –

Types of badminton shots and their advantages –

In the game of badminton, one opportunity to score points is to place the shuttlecock in a position near the front line of the opponent’s playing area so that it is difficult to return. the drop shot aims to direct the ball as close as possible to the opponent’s territory and as close as possible to the net. Keep reading…

2024-03-22 06:45:42
#game #badminton #shot #aim #placing #ball #close #net #quickly #opponents #court #shot


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