Mass fight between parents at a children’s game in Mallorca

Mass fight between parents at a children’s game in Mallorca

New violent act in Balearic football. This time it was in a children’s 7-a-side soccer match, between Paguera and Recreativo Arenal (7-3),Although no incident occurred during the meeting. Neither between the players nor with the referee. Everything was going well… until problems started in the stands, as reported ‘Newsfootballbase’ on his Instagram account, the meeting has already ended.

One of the parents of the local teamwith a more intense attitude than usual in this type of grassroots matches, He has confronted the father of one of the visiting players when the meeting had already ended, as Diario de Mallorca, from the Prensa Ibérica group, has learned.

The situation has been escalating and Both were shaken, with an unfortunate outcome for the Arenal fan, who fell and fractured his collarbone.. In this situation, eThe rest of the visitors have gone to the place where the alleged aggressor was located. In that action The local public has also reacted, creating a commotion in the stands.

Civil Guard and an ambulance

The uproar has increased in intensity and turned into a massive fightwhich fortunately has not gone further and has put an end to the presence of the Civil Guard and an ambulance in Pas de ses Llebresthe Peguera soccer field.

Now everything is pending for the person who has suffered the injuries to decide to file a complaint and, in the sporting field, that the Football Federation of the Balearic Islands (FFIB) decides to investigate what happened in case some type of sanction is susceptible to the clubs.

Curiously, this event occurred a week after the FFIB launched a campaign to eradicate violence on football fields. “The greatest damage is to our grassroots footballwhich sees how insults and shouts become normalized and, sometimes, end in violence,” the Territorial stated in a statement in which President Pep Sansó stated: “Football cannot allow violence to be normalized. It just is”.

2024-03-02 19:35:19
#Mass #fight #parents #childrens #game #Mallorca


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