Martina-Fasano: consciously chasing the death of football

There is no shadow of a doubt, the Martina-Fasano derby is and will always remain the match of the year. The one that fans on both sides have been waiting for for an entire season, the match that is even worth more than a championship and that thanks to the rivalries rooted in form of mind of the two cities goes far beyond simple sporting boundaries. Today, however, this is no longer the case. Already a few weeks beforeObservatory on sporting events he had expressed himself clearly, imposing a rigid ban on the Fasano fans, without even taking into consideration the possible alternative of limiting the number of tickets, as had perhaps happened in some previous circumstances.

Unfortunately, the clear monologue in the stands is well established, as far as the football aspect of the stadium is concerned Tursi by Martina an interesting match is taking place for the purposes of the ranking, in a crucial moment of the season, where two teams with different ranking objectives are facing each other: quiet salvation for the guests, high ranking ambitions for the hosts.

Derby fever has been obvious in the two cities for over a week. Given the ban imposed on guests, a giant screen is set up in the city of the forest to give Fasano supporters the opportunity to watch the match together. In Valle d’Itria, however, an insistent leafleting campaign is taking place in the streets of the city and on social channels to invite people to pack the steps of the stadium for this important challenge. Appeals that will ultimately bear fruit. An exceptional glance and the air of a great classic that can be felt on the steps, with the Curva and grandstand sectors crowded almost to their full capacity.

The home corner is packed like never before seen this season. In addition to the usual banners of North Curve e Extreme Support Also clearly visible is the banner belonging to the boys from Nardò, who, taking advantage of their advance in the championship played the day before, are present today to consolidate the twinning.

As usual, the Martini people welcome the players onto the pitch with a nice scarf to the tune of their anthem, broadcast over the stadium’s loudspeakers as the teams enter the pitch. The vocal support on the other hand, thanks to such a full sector, is truly consistent and often drags the rest of the stadium along with it. Flags always flying, heavy fists, the Curva boys do their duty fully, honoring their commitment to the fullest. The Curva Nord Martina, seen several times this season, therefore continues to confirm its growth path of proactive support.

On the pitch, the derby belongs to the home team, who narrowly beat their opponents (1-0). The celebrations at the end of the match were huge, even if only the presence of the two fans and the confrontation between them in the stands can make these victories unique. Limiting them or even banning them only contributes to emptying the stadiums in a conscious move towards the death of football.


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2024-03-31 08:58:03
#MartinaFasano #consciously #chasing #death #football


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