Major Drug Bust: 36 Kilos of Marijuana and Cocaine Seized

Drug gang busts with 36 kilos of marijuana and cocaine

He also had ketamine, imported cigarettes and 10 million
of pesos in cash among other “things”

Inter-institutional work of Carabineros, Prosecutor’s Office and Customs, allowed to arrest
criminal gang and seize drugs, contraband cigarettes and more than ten
millions in cash
Following a procedure initiated by Customs personnel in the complex
customs officer of Quillagua, Carabineros of OS 7 Iquique managed to detain a
gang dedicated to drug trafficking, seizing more than 36 kilos of drugs from
different types and more than 10 million pesos in cash.
During a control carried out in Quillagua, the Customs scanner truck
detected a vehicle leaving the region heading to the south of the country with drugs
hidden in part of its structure, so they request advice from the
specialized Carabineros personnel, who continued with the proceedings
investigations that allowed the identification of two homes in the commune of
Iquique linked to this procedure.

Thus, after receiving authorization for the entry and registration of the
properties involved, 35 kilos of containers of
marijuana, 1 kilo of cocaine hydrochloride, 24 marijuana plants, jars
of ketamine, bulk marijuana, 851 cartons of cigarettes imported from
different brands with a value of more than 21 million pesos, a vest
bulletproof and more than ten million pesos.
In addition, three individuals, adults, who have criminal records, were arrested.
police for drug trafficking in small quantities, among other crimes.
The Prefect of Iquique, Colonel Adrián Andrades, valued the work
inter-institutional carried out by Carabineros, Prosecutor’s Office and Customs, which through control, inspection and the investigative process have been able
disrupt criminal organizations dedicated to organized crime.
«The Customs Service, using X-ray technology, detected a vehicle
inside which a significant number of packages of
dope. Subsequently, with the instruction of the prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of the
Tamarugal, the OS-7 Iquique carried out different investigative techniques that
led to the dismantling of a gang dedicated to transportation and marketing
of drugs. The most notable thing about all this is that when institutions
“If they come together and work together, these types of results are achieved.”

Meanwhile, prosecutor Milton Torres, deputy prosecutor of Tamarugal, indicated that thanks
This procedure led to the arrest of three people and the discovery of
more drugs in those properties, marijuana plants, cocaine, ketamine,
money, apparently contraband cigarettes and bulletproof vests. “This
scenario makes it very good, in the sense from the perspective of work
institutional and coordinated, which makes it possible to finally reach the link
previous successfully.
Likewise, the Regional Director of Customs (s), Ricardo Aceituno Chau,
maintained that using non-invasive technology, we proceed in accordance with
our parameters and risk profiles, to select a particular vehicle,
whose review is carried out through the scanning equipment that was assigned to the
National Customs Service by the Ministry of the Interior. «Within the
images detect merchandise that was hidden both on the floor and
on the roof and in the trunk, hidden in a double bottom.

2024-03-12 01:44:07
#Operation #Started #Quillagua #Allowed #Disruption #Gang #Dedicated #Drug #Trafficking


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