Let Visma release this helmet, it will surely benefit them

Those 5 moments that define the iconic value of the Strade Bianche

The Strade Bianche thing is a mystery that assails us every year, but it is based on three corners: image, innovation and achievements that are difficult to improve.

Look at the arrivals of this race from Alexander Kolobnev, the same one who runs the Sincrofera in Alicante.

In any case, This career, much less than twenty years old, has given us visual awards of all kinds beyond the humanist landscape of Tuscany.with those dust clouds marking the exact pace of the platoon, and the Siena square.

The first Strade Bianche is from 2007, mind you.

For me The best postcard of the Strade Bianche is the final ramp of Santa Caterinathe image that illustrates the article, to give the frame and perspective of what it means to play with another world top for a prestigious victory after flying along the routes that lead to Siena.

That perspective, that unevenness that can be seen, the people gasping between screams and applause, what bastards these Italians are, how well they do it.

It is not surprising that they end up like Pogacar a couple of years ago.

This time he is once again the big favorite.

The Slovenian won then, ahead of Alejandro Valverde, but a year earlier he was part of possibly the most brutal escape we have seen in a long time.

A group of coconuts, formed more than fifty from the finish line, who did not stop beating each other until the very arrival.

This Strade changed world cycling.

There were Van Aert, with number one, Alaphilippe, winner a couple of years before, Van der Poel, winner in the end, Pidcock, Pogacar, Bernal and Simmons, We all learned that getaway like the lineup of the team of our loves.

The outcome that Mathieu Van der Poel gave him that day was one of the most violent plays we have ever seen on the bicycle, what a way to crush the route, the machine and the rival.

Two years passed between the two photos that are now…

It is Wout Van Aert the day he made himself known to the general public with an outstanding Strade 2018, won by Benoot but iconic because of the apocalyptic weather and Van Aert’s blows in Santa Caterina, as if his legs were going to break.

The second was the Strade in August due to the pandemic, Wout did not forgive, and joined the Tuscan race with Milan-San Remo in the showcase of victories.

This year Wout Van Aert will be absent from the Strade Bianche again, he will not add to the album of postcards in which Pidcock entered 365 years ago and his overtaking on the motorcycle.

In any case, we wait expectantly for what the show will give, I won’t say that the Strade Bianche is the most beautiful, because I don’t believe itbut it has been one of those phenomena that has known how to break patterns so quickly that I don’t see a career like it in that sense.

2024-03-05 15:33:16
#Visma #release #helmet #surely #benefit


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