Josè Antonio Soto Diaz Prepares Itas Mutua Rovigo for Serie A Baseball Championship Ahead of 2024 Season

Josè Antonio Soto Diaz, Cuban manager of Rovigo

© Fabio Padoan (BSC Rovigo)

After intense weeks of winter preparation, for the Itas Mutua Baseball Softball Club it is time to think about the first friendlies in view of the 2024 Serie A baseball championship. In fact, the tests that will allow coach Soto’s roster begin on Sunday 10 March Diaz to fine-tune every detail to face the first official matches in the best possible way.

We start with Crazy San Bonifacio which arrives on the diamond of via Vittorio Veneto in Rovigo the day after tomorrow. Next weekend, i.e. March 17th, the now traditional rossoblù family match will take place which will pit Rovigo “A” against Rovigo “B” and will give the technical staff a first overview of the entire potential disposition.

The program of pre-season friendlies will continue on March 24th with the match between Itas Mutua Rovigo and Godo. Then, on March 30th, the stimulating away match at the home of the battleship Fortitudo Bologna. As the rossoblù team approaches Serie A, an international match is also planned: on 6 April the team from Rovigo will face the Prague team.

At this point to complete the preparation there will only be one last possibility: the home friendly against Athletics Bologna scheduled for April 14th. Very intense weeks are therefore ahead for Itas Mutua Rovigo, determined more than ever to carve out a leading role in a Serie A which, also thanks to some rather unfortunate calendar choices which will force long trips, promises to be difficult also from the mileage and organizational point of view.

2024-03-08 23:13:35
#Itas #Mutua #Rovigo #rich #calendar #friendly #matches #begins


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