Itziar Miranda: “No one is going to feel cheated with the ending of ‘Amar es para siempre'”

Become one of the longest-running series on Spanish television after 18 years on the air,Love is forever(which began its career on TVE’s La 1 as ‘Amar en troubled times’) casts the definitive closure this Wednesday on Antena 3 with a special broadcast, in ‘prime time’ (10:45 p.m.), and with its successor already established in the after-dinner session, ‘Sueños de libertad’. Although the cast is renewed season by season, three characters have been present from the beginning to the end: the owners of the El Asturiano bar. The matriarch is Manolitainterpreted by Itziar Mirandawho couldn’t hold back the tears while filming the ending.

-They filmed the finale of the series in October. What feelings did you experience interpreting that outcome?

-A lot of emotion, with everything that the word represents. Because there were moments when we looked at each other and couldn’t stop crying, and others when our gaze said how lucky we are. Sometimes we were sad, nostalgic, other times very excited, thinking that the series is now television history and we hadn’t even realized it.

-Was there any actor who did not cry in that final scene?

-No one, we all cry a lot. In fact, it cost us a lot to do it. I I wasn’t able to learn the last sentence. I don’t know what happened to me, my brain blocked and we had to repeat a lot, something that had never happened to me. Because I knew that when I said that phrase, it was already done.

-Do you think the public will also cry with that outcome?

-Of course. Furthermore, everything the public expects is going to be in that ending, no one is going to feel cheated with this ending of ‘Amar’. It is very studied and cared for.

-Many actors will have envied you, Manuel Baqueiro and José Antonio Sayagués, the trio that has been in the series since the beginning. Because in your profession it is not common to have a role for so many years.

-I am privileged for the economic and emotional stability that it has given us and, above all, for the learning. Our profession is very intermittent and having a series like this is not normal, although you don’t know that it will last 18 years when they hire you. In fact, it’s the only time in my life that I haven’t done casting because it was a very short series that was going to last very little, and I had a very small character. Notice!

“Asunción Balaguer thought Manuel Baqueiro and I would be a couple in real life”

-The Manolita that we will see in the end, mother of a large family and businesswoman, has nothing to do with that girl from the beginning.

-She is one of the most beautiful female characters in our fiction that have been written for that reason. She has been like one of our mothers and grandmothers, a woman who has had to live through very difficult times, and how she has faced them and transformed herself with the evolution that society has had and listening to her daughters. She is one of the least typecast characters on television, because how she starts has nothing to do with how she ends.

-Manolita’s life is not the only one that has changed a lot in these 18 years. Also hers, that she has been a mother twice, for example.

-Yes, I went into labor in ‘Amar’ twice.

-Of childbirth?

-Yeah. When I went into labor with my first daughter, they didn’t believe it. It took a long time for the writers to change the scripts because they thought it was a joke. Everything has happened to me because it’s been almost 20 years, from 25 to 45.

-What has been the moment of the series that you remember most fondly?

-Seeing myself with my daughters making my daughters babies on the set. It was a very magical moment. I took them to the set because I breastfed them and they became part of the Asturiano’s family in a very natural way.

-And the most difficult?

-Every year we experienced very dramatic farewells, because the actors changed and we suffered a lot.

-Some viewers were convinced that Manuel Baqueiro, her husband in the series, was also her husband in real life.

-Yes, they have told me that in the market several times. But it has not only happened to people on the street, but also to people in the profession. Asunción Balaguer thought that we were a couple in real life, and we had to deny it.

-He has two films to release, ‘Tierra Baja’ and ‘Cariñena’, and continues with his book collections. Have you ever wanted to do a daily series again?

-Yes, I feel like it. I love daily series and wouldn’t mind doing one again.

2024-03-06 08:42:08
#Itziar #Miranda #feel #cheated #Amar #para #siempre


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