Italian Youth Archers Shine in European Cup Stage 1: Silver for Trabucco, Gallo, Del Duca

The first stage of the European Youth Cup in Catez (Slo) concluded: silver for Flavia Trabucco, Caterina Gallo and Martina Del Duca, fourth for Davide De Giovanni and Fabrizio Aloisi. Italy third in the medal table but with the highest number of podiums

In the first stage of the Youth Cup in Catez, Slovenia, the Italians lead Italy to third place in the medal table, achieving 11 podiums among mixed teams, teams and individuals. Only today they played five finals, but none of them brought the most precious metal: Flavia Trabucco in the junior recurve, Caterina Gallo and Martina Del Duca in the compound students and juniors left the field with silver, while the students Davide De Giovanni (Olympic ) and Fabrizio Aloisi (compound) at the foot of the podium. Overall, Italy concluded the event with 2 gold and 9 silver, while in first place in the medal table is Israel with 4 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze, second is France with 4 gold, 1 silver and 3 bronze. A trip that will certainly make the Italian group full of new recruits grow: both in recurve and in compound the Italians have demonstrated that they know how to earn decisive matches with technical ability and stubbornness. Now we need to take a further step to overturn at the next opportunity the many finals which in recent days could have had a different outcome, as demonstrated by today’s individual finals and, in the previous days, the team ones.

Individual finals

In the recurve, the race of Flavia Trabucco who as a student competed among the juniors ends with silver: the athlete from Pescara was overtaken by Elina Idensen 6-2. The match starts with one set for each side, the first for the Teutonic team 28-24, the second for the Italian team 28-25. But then Idensen manages to take the gold thanks to the last two partials won 27-26 and 29-24. He finishes in fourth place among the Davide De Giovanni students after the 2-6 against the Frenchman Jules Pedoux. The transalpine immediately takes the lead (30-25), then suffers the return of the blue (27-26) which however is not enough to change the inertia of the match, Pedoux in fact accelerates again and closes the score in the last two sets 29- 25 and 27-26. In the compound, Caterina Gallo also won silver among the students, losing the challenge against the Israeli Avigail Cohen 135-133. The Italian started better and after 26-26 on the first volley she took the lead (28-26). However, the opponent recovers immediately and makes the counter-overtake (29-24). The Italian tries to get back into the game with 29-28 in the third set but has to surrender to the last three arrows which end in a draw 26-26. Second place also for Martina Del Duca who lost the junior compound final 139-138 against the Dutch Aurora Janssen. Back and forth in the first two volleys with a 29-27 on each side, then Janssen accelerates and takes a two-point advantage in the next two partials (29-28 and 27-26), the Italian wins the last volley 28-27 but it’s not enough to catch the opponent. Fabrizio Aloisi finished in fourth place among the students, defeated by the German Noah Nuber 142-140. After the first volley ended 29-29, the Italian is unable to keep up with his opponent who takes all three subsequent volleys 29-27, 28-27 and 28-27, the triple 10 and 30 are not enough -28 from Aloisi in the last round of arrows.

Team medals

Already at the start of the competition Italy had similar performances. After the 72 arrows in the ranking round which had given some heartening scores, the matches immediately led to challenges worth the podium, but the outcomes were no different. In the mixed team the junior recurve players Roberta Di Francesco and Matteo Bilisari took silver after being beaten 5-1 by Germany (Idense, Kramer). Two fourth places for mixed students. In the recurve Emiliano Rampon and Ilaria Tognozzi they lose the final against Ukraine (Koyal, Ilyin) 5-3, while in the compound Caterina Gallo and Fabrizio Aloisi are overcome by Israel (Cohen, Hadar) after an unlucky play-off 147-147 (20 -20*). Same situation on Friday in the team challenges where Italy earned three silvers in the recurve. The first two with the junior teams, both after the play-off: Matteo Bilisari, Matteo Borsani and Francesco Poerio Pierà surrendered to Israel (Dror, Frenkel, Kleiner) 5-4 (28-23), while it was France (Cordeau, Jakusic, Sebastian) cameback to get the better of Roberta Di Francesco, Ginevra Landi and Flavia Trabucco 5-4 (24-20). Among the students, second place went to Riccardo Alfano, Davide De Giovanni and Emiliano Rampon, defeated again by France (Grange, Kharchouf, Pedoux) 5-3. Now we return to Italy and work towards the next international events. The first will be the second and final stage of the Youth Cup, at the beginning of June in Sion, Switzerland, where the Italians will have to acquire further experience in view of the real objective of the season: the world category championships which will be held in Ireland, in Limerick, from 3 to 9 July.

6 maggio – 18:41

2023-05-06 07:00:00
#Archery #good #result #Italy #Catez


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