“I can contribute quality to Celta and help with goals and decisive passes”

“I can contribute quality to Celta and help with goals and decisive passes”

Jonathan Bamba (Alforville, France 1996) has returned from his happy adventure in the African Cup determined to help Celta achieve a comfortable permanence with “decisive goals and passes”. The Ivorian attacker sees the sky blue team “very well”, despite their qualifying difficulties, and trusts in the “quality” of the players and “the work” of Rafa Benítez and his coaching staff so that the club achieves its objectives. The winger debuts at the Santiago Bernabéu with optimism and a clear message: “We are going there to win.”

–When he signed for Celta last summer he said he wanted to be an important player here. Do you think you have achieved this goal?

–I’m on it, working. It’s a goal I’m still getting closer to because I need some time to adapt and I’ve been away for some time due to the African Cup, so I’m on my way. In any case, I am very happy to play here at Celta.

–Do you think you fit well into this template?

–For the moment I am fine, yes, although in the collective aspect I still have to progress. I have to earn my place by playing good games. I have a lot of confidence in this team and that we can achieve the club’s objectives.

–With his participation in the African Cup he has been away from the team for two months and this has surely delayed his adaptation.

-It is normal. Two months is a long time. It wasn’t easy before I left, but I’m happy. The team has been working well and I am very confident.

Bamba, Celta de Vigo player. / Ricardo Grobas

–Do you see much difference between Ligue 1 and LaLiga? What are the main differences?

–I don’t see big differences. I already knew that there were very good players in LaLiga. It didn’t surprise me because I followed her a lot when she played in France. I think the transitions are a little different and there’s a little more technical quality here, but other than that I don’t see much difference.

–What did you know about Celta and why did you choose Celta to play in LaLiga?

–I chose Celta because I wanted to play abroad and get to know LaLiga. I have always played Ligue 1 and I wanted a project that would help me overcome the challenges that I had set for myself and Celta was a very good club to achieve my goals.

–After being absent for two months in the African Cup, what do you think you can still contribute to the team between now and the end of the season?

–I can contribute my experience and my quality to help the team in attack and try to score goals that can make a difference.

–With Celta he has two goals. How many more do you think he can contribute until the end of the season?

–Well, as I said, I put all my heart and work to try to achieve my goals, but the most important thing for me is to help Celta win games by scoring goals or giving decisive passes. And I think I’m on that path.

–What does the coach, Rafa Benítez, ask of you?

–He asks me to bring out my quality, to strike, to associate with my teammates. He asks me for quite a few things and I’m happy because that means he trusts me.

Jonathan Bamba. / Ricardo Grobas

–Does he work specifically with you? Do they talk often?

–We chat very often. He shows me videos of the games to analyze the things I do well and the things I don’t do so well in the games and I think this is what is going to make me progress.

–And what are the things that it doesn’t do so well?

–[Amplia sonrisa] Well, some things, no one is perfect. I have to improve in movement, interpret what the game requires and have automatism with my teammates. I work hard to make it easier for me to understand each other with my colleagues.

–After being away for two months, how do you see the situation?

–Mine or the team’s?

–The team. How do you see your game? Do you see him nervous or worried? The situation is not good.

–The situation, as you say, is not very good, but I don’t see the team nervous or worried. On the contrary, I see him very confident because the team works well and has very good players. We have seen it against Almería, whom we have beaten by playing a good game. We have to continue along this line. We have to insist on the things we do well.

–Personally, then, are you not worried about the situation?


–But the reality is that Celta has only been able to win five games after the great financial effort it has made in signings and hiring a top coach, like Rafa Benítez.

–It’s true, they are not the results we expected, but the team is very good. There are defects that need to be corrected, but above all we have to persevere in the many things we are doing well.

I understand that the fans are worried, I ask for their trust because we are working well

–For you, Sunday will be the first time at the Santiago Bernabéu. What do you expect from this match at Real Madrid’s field?

–We are going there to win. We know that it is difficult for a team in our situation in the table, but we are going there to give our best and make the most of the options we may have. We have to give our best, because Madrid is playing to be champion, so we will have to do things very well.

–Is it a match in which there is a lot to gain and nothing to lose?

-Exactly. Everything is to win. We have to do everything we can to do things well to win and then, as you said, we go there with nothing to lose against a great team and we will have to give one hundred percent.

–No team has won this season at the Bernabéu. Do you really think they can beat Real Madrid there?

–If everyone gives the level and is capable of giving themselves 100%, of course we have the means to achieve a good result there.

–Is it good news for Celta that Bellingham is not playing?

-It is very good news. We all know his quality, he is one of the players in the championship.

–For you, is he the best player in LaLiga?

–There are many very good players, but without a doubt Bellingham is one of the top players in the championship and it is good news for us that he is not here. We are going to try to take advantage of this loss and try to do things well at the Bernabéu.

We trust Benítez, it is the players who have to reverse the situation

–To beat Madrid we will have to defend very well and be successful in taking advantage of the scoring opportunities that are generated.

– Exactly. The first thing is to defend well and then try to take advantage of the opportunities to score and obtain that good result at the Bernabéu.

–What scares you the most about Madrid?

–We are not afraid of Madrid. Of course it is a great team. We know of his great quality, especially on the counterattack. They score a lot of goals on the counterattack so we will have to be very attentive to this. Defend well and take advantage of the chances we may have, which surely won’t be many, to score. To win we will have to mark the ones we have.

–Can the Champions League match against Leipzig negatively affect Ancelotti’s team?

–These types of matches always generate fatigue, it is normal, so it is good news for us.

–Celta hasn’t won at the Bernabéu for 18 years. Does this provide an added stimulus?

-I didn’t know. Of course it is a stimulus. As they say, statistics are there to be broken. And I think that winning at the Bernabéu after 18 years is a good goal and a good ambition.

–There are 11 games left to finish the season and Celta is far from achieving the goal of permanence. Do you think you can achieve it without suffering this season?

–Of course, but all the games are hard to play. Even the one we played the other day against Almería, which is not a team that is exactly well classified, was a complicated game. I think we are not going to suffer to save ourselves, but we have to go game by game.

–The fans, obviously, are worried about the team’s situation. What would you say to reassure fans?

–It is normal that they are worried, I understand it. I would ask you to continue supporting us as you do and to give confidence to the team because it is working very well and will achieve the goal.

–Many fans are not with Benítez and some even openly ask for his departure. Do you trust the coach?

-Of course. We have absolute confidence in the work that the coach and his coaching staff are doing. We, the players, are the ones on the field and we are the first ones who have to give everything to reverse the situation.

–What needs to be done to avoid repeating these mistakes in the last minutes that have cost Celta so many points this season?

–I don’t think it’s a quality problem, but rather a mental problem. You have to work on your mentality, but it’s not easy. When you are in a negative spiral it is difficult to move to a positive spiral. You have to insist.

–Shouldn’t we change the mentality?

–No, we have to continue working positively and I believe that things will be resolved.

–Has the change of League and country been difficult?

–The most difficult thing has been the language. But many of my classmates make an effort to understand me and are helping me learn. I am very well surrounded to learn Spanish. I am very happy here at Celta and I will continue working to achieve my goals.

–How is your Spanish going?

–[Contesta en español]. Very good. I understand everything, but speaking is now more difficult for me. I am teaching Spanish and my classmates also help me a lot.

–Do you like the city?

–Very much, I like it a lot. I still have many things to discover, but I feel very comfortable here.

2024-03-07 05:11:00
#contribute #quality #Celta #goals #decisive #passes


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