“I am in a negative cycle”: eliminated in the 3rd round of Indian Wells, Novak Djokovic is brooding

Another record for Novak Djokovic… But not quite as usual. To everyone’s surprise, the world No. 1, 36 years old, fell in the 3rd round of the Masters 1000 at Indian Wells against Luca Nardi, sixteen years his junior and placed 122 ranks behind him in the ATP (6- 4, 3-6, 6-3).

The Italian is one hell of a lucky loser. A few days ago, he lost against David Goffin in qualifying before being drafted directly into the 2nd round in the final draw! The event is huge in the Californian desert. The Serbian had never been beaten by such a poorly ranked opponent in a Grand Slam or Masters 1000 since 2008.

Nardi, who looks at the poster of the idol of the 24 Majors which is displayed in his room every night when he goes to bed, had no complexes facing an unrecognizable Belgrader, lining up unforced errors in the wind and getting annoyed very often with the referee.

“Well done to him, especially in the third set, he played great tennis. I didn’t know him well but I had watched a few videos and I saw that he had quality tennis, breathes Djokovic, a little disappointed when commenting on his backhand. I was rather surprised by my level, very poor. This is a negative result for me. I helped him play well, I made horrible unforced errors, I played defensive tennis, hit the ball badly in the 3rd set. He was more aggressive than me. »

The boss of the circuit has not set foot in Indian Wells since 2019. And his start to the season is limited to two small tournaments, for a half in Australia and an early exit from the American road. Far from the abnormal standards that had become his norm.

Fanny against Italy!

“I really wanted to do well here but it wasn’t the case,” he continues. I’ve been in a negative cycle for three or four tournaments where I haven’t played at my best level. I play fewer tournaments, I’m more selective, so it’s not a good feeling at all to lose so early. I haven’t won a title yet this year, I’m not used to it, but that’s how it is. I’ll move on. »

Still, the question of a decline, already addressed after Australia, will not fail to resurface if its bad patch drags on…

Heading for Florida and the Masters 1000 in Miami, which Djokovic has won six times but where he has not registered his name on the list since 2016. Beaten by Sinner in Melbourne, the world No. 1, whose throne is no longer not threatened by this poor performance, is therefore 100% defeated against the Italians in 2024.

For the record, Nardi is the second lucky loser in history to beat Djoker after his compatriot Lorenzo Sonego in Vienna in 2020. “It’s an incredible feeling. I already couldn’t imagine playing against him, and now I beat him! It’s a dream come true,” breathes the one who will challenge the American Tommy Paul and enter the top 100.


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