How to make the perfect shopping list (and not fall into the labels trap)

Eat a healthy diet and balanced doesn’t start in the kitchen. And it is that, for eating a good diet depends a lot on how we shop. And as many nutritionists say, ““Our diet starts with making a shopping list.”.

Purchasing is a key process when planning menus (especially in the method called batchcooking, cooking once and eating all week).

We must take into account this entire process, which includes the shopping list itself, the supermarketselect carefully what we are going to buy and learn to read labels.

He doctor Àlex Yáñez de la Calexpert in nutrition and sports performance, has just published his book Buy well, eat better (Amat Editorial) in which it teaches us how to make a healthy purchase, with criteria and absolute guarantee.

“An increasingly necessary process in the face of avalanche of additives with which the food industry floods most products”.

Specialists demand measures to reduce access to ultra-processed foods. /JCOMP. FREEPIK

Our diet, as explained to ‘Health Guides’start on the shopping list because “If we do not buy those products that are healthy, we will not have them in the pantry and we certainly won’t eat them.”

And the first step is to do the shopping list, which we must do “on a full stomach” and calm in our house.” Afterwards, a good classification is key: carbohydrates, proteins, vegetables…

“This will help us make a healthy purchase and not buy any unnecessary or unhealthy extras.”

Foods that should not be missing from the shopping list

Once we are ready to make the shopping list, without hunger, we must write a series of foods that are essential and that cannot be missing from a healthy diet:

Fruits and vegetables A good 100% whole grain bread Cereals such as rice Meat Fish Eggs Nuts (always natural) Extra virgin olive oil

And although it may seem that by including these products the shopping list will become more expensive, Dr. Yáñez de la Cal emphasizes that “if we prioritize seasonal and fresh foods, we will not really spend much, unlike if we buy snacks and/or drinks alcoholic or soft drinks, that does not bring us any benefit and makes the purchase more expensive.”

File – A person in a supermarket. / H.Bilbao – Europa Press – Archive

Do you really know what you are buying? This is how you should read the labels in the ‘super’

Product labels allow us to know how they are stored, origin, expiration date… and also their ingredients. However, a task that should be quite easy sometimes becomes a real odyssey for consumers.

“When we read the ingredients they go from largest to smallest quantity. And then we have to prioritize unlabeled foods such as fruits and vegetables. Also, another tip that I consider very useful is prioritize foods with the fewest possible ingredientsmost of the time we will be right with those choices.”

We must learn not to be fooled by these labels, there are healthy and harmful organic and biological foods.

But, we must keep in mind that “there are certain additives that are not mandatory indicate by law.” And one of them is alcohol, which can be present in products such as vegetable proteinwhich is used to compact meat, for example, in hamburgers.

And it can be extended to other types of products, which are sold under “labels” such as 0% sugar and which can be misleading.

“You have to learn to Don’t be fooled by these labels, there are healthy and harmful organic and biological foods.just like foods without added sugars or without sugars that can be harmful to our health, the more claims have the food more I would sincerely distrust it.”

One of the ways that consumers use to “understand” labels is mobile apps like MyRealFood o Yuka, which are the two best known by those who want to take care of their diet and which work by scanning the labels.

However, for the nutritionist “there is no reliable applicationthat does not have economic interests with the companies that advertise in them, therefore, I personally prefer that the person learns to read labels“, rather than knowing if a food is good or bad without knowing why.”

Should we avoid dyes?

Food colorings are additives that provide color to foods, especially for draw attention to consumers because “they always enter through the eyes better.”

Regarding dyes, “just because it is legal does not mean that it is harmless”

However, “there are dyes already cataloged by the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority, for its acronym in English) that enhance attention deficit disorders or ADHD, which cause insomnia, hives, asthma and allergies, which is why their quantities are limited. in the same food.”

“But If we mix several colorings or several foods, we no longer have that maximum safe amount. and that can create problems for our health in the short and long term. You have to watch out for them, Just because it is legal does not tell us that it is harmless.”.

2024-03-10 19:22:41
#perfect #shopping #list #fall #labels #trap


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