How much fentanyl can I die with?

USA crosses a fentanyl crisis and in Spain the authorities have already confiscated this drug in narco apartments. What makes this drug so strong? Why can it kill a person after ingesting two micrograms? The doctors Camacho and Cabrera and the security expert Jose Felix Ramajo They answer these questions in ‘Horizonte’.

The fentanyl drug It is destroying thousands of lives. Just by ingesting two micrograms from this powerful synthetic opioid drug a person can die, and it is as addictive as it is deadly.

He Dr. Tomás Camachohead of the clinical analysis service at Laboratorios Vithas Lab, Dr. Cabrera, psychiatrist, and Jose Felix Ramajosecurity expert, answer some of the questions about fentanyl.

Ramajo shows the very small amount of this narcotic which can cause the death of a person. As we see in ‘Horizon’ it would be the equivalent of which takes up about 10 grains of saltabout.

Doctors Camacho and Cabrera explain the difference between fentanyl which is used for medical purposesand that they prescribe to some patients with terminal illnesses, the one sold in the black drug market.

Both health professionals agree that medical system that we have in Spain It gives us security in the face of the arrival of a fentanyl ‘pandemic’ in Spain.

In addition to explaining how the drug cartels in the United States for the distribution of fentanyl, Ramajo informs that Myanmar is a large producer of this opiate and that, to reach EuropeIn his opinion he would do it there and not crossing the Atlantic.


2024-03-29 01:57:28
#fentanyl #die


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