Helena Zäch Secures Victory with Impressive Judo Skills in U15 Girls Weight Class

In Helena Zäch’s last fight it took a full twelve seconds until “Ippon” flashed on the big screen. The weight class up to 40 kilograms in the girls U15 category was thus decided. Zäch subdued her opponent Sila Alali from the St. Gallen-Gossau Judo Club using Koshi-Guruma, a hip wheel, and thus definitely secured victory. The 13-year-old from Eichberg, who has been attending secondary school in Altstätter Wiesental since last summer, had already won her two other fights.

Rocky road to victory

Shakira Gabteni from the Kaltbrunn Judo Club proved to be a tough opponent in the first fight. “She was really down,” said Zäch. It is not surprising that this even encounter was only decided in the golden score. The Rhine Valley woman took advantage of an opportunity and won with Seoi-Toshi, shoulder throw. In the second fight, Zäch faced Alessia Agustoni from Ticino from JBC Bellinzona. “Against Alessia I was able to get into a good position on the ground by attacking,” said Zäch. On the ground she was able to hold Agustoni and won with ippon.

An Olympic champion in the Schöntalhalle

Four athletes from the Judo & Ju-Jitsu Club Rheintal (JJJC) were on the mat on Saturday. Christian Rebholz started in the elite category in the weight class up to 73 kilograms. In his first fight he was more active in attack than his opponent. After seven minutes and 45 seconds, Rebholz managed a counterattack and won with Ippon. He was less lucky in the other two fights, both of which he lost and was eliminated. Yury Molodtsov competed in the master category up to 81 kilograms and had to compete against strong, experienced opponents. Molodtsov fought well and ended up in third place. “Due to his motivation, Yury makes rapid progress and the competition routine is slowly coming into play,” said JJJC coach Christian Kamber. Giuseppe Lavanga has only been involved in judo for five months. The “yellow belt” only played his second tournament in Altstätten. His goal was to gain competition experience in the master category up to 90 kilograms. Kamber: “He held up well against strong opponents and reached third place.”

Daniel Renetzeder in the elite category up to 81 kilograms was able to defeat one of his three opponents using ippon using a Ko-soto-gake, external sickle, also known as a “small external hook”. In his other two fights, Renetzeder had to leave victory to his opponents. The small delegation that came to Altstätten from Kosovo was very successful. The team was coached by Majlinda Kelmendi. Many judoka insisted on taking a selfie with the 2016 Olympic champion, who had to leave immediately after the tournament. “I will come back to Altstätten,” promised Kelmendi, who was also twice world champion and four times European champion during her career.

2024-03-17 19:48:12
#Technically #clean #throws #demonstrated #judo #tournament #Altstätten


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